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Lockdown Blues

Lockdown Blues  

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Illustrious Member
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30/10/2021 3:22 pm  


Thank you for your timely response! It's good to know that someone is at least occasionally keeping an eye open.

The last 20 months or so have been challenging for all of us, I feel it's safe to say, and the DA Forum has continued to provide a (mostly) congenial refuge from the daily onslaught of depressing news. I'm grateful for your hospitality despite my occasional bouts of crankiness.

Having one or two longtime members in good standing act as moderators may be the best interim solution to some of the issues we've seen plaguing the Forum. I would applaud any efforts made in attempt to improve or restore what has traditionally been a friendly, informative, and entertaining visitor experience.

Thank you, again, and bon chance!


Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 667
30/10/2021 10:12 pm  

I will drop you a message @Elizabeth. I am happy to try to help and I certainly visit on the regular.

I think as tktoo2 points out and I discussed with Herringbone today, in an ideal world we'd have multiple known members do it. Just so no one can take anything personally. Having said that, at the moment it appears to be more about clearing out than actually moderating human dicussion. 

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1281
25/11/2021 9:23 pm  

Hi to one and all. Enjoying the "bot" free Forum. Thanks @kyle-barrett and @herringbone.

There seems to be no end in sight with regard to this Covid epidemic. Here in Ireland we are going through another wave of high numbers of infections despite a 97% vaccination rate. Restrictions were eased in September/October and there has been a steady increase in infections since.

On a more positive note our family has welcomed a new 4 legged member, Indie. 2 year old rottweiler ;rescue dog.  37 kilos.

She has settled in very well and made herself at home.  Our other dog Abby ( 12 years old) has finally accepted her and is enjoying a new sense of playfulness and is more energetic.

The garden on the other hand is entering its winter mode....looking a bit sad I must say.

Attaching pic of Indie in full " I own this sofa" mode.


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Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 667
27/11/2021 4:21 pm  

Very cute Lexi, or maybe cute is the wrong word for a dog of that size.

I am quick to remind people, and by people, I mean myself. Tha we're only about 2 weeks from the earliest sunset (ignoring we're over a month away from the latest sunrise), the nights are technically drawing out by the shortest day of the year, though imperceivably.

And then gardens will start seeing new life in a few months. 

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1281
27/11/2021 4:29 pm  

@kyle-barrett. Thanks for reminding me that in a few weeks the days will become longer. It is good to look on the bright side.

Yes "cute" is probably the wrong word...she has a lovely nature and just wants to be your best friend but when she decides to sit on your lap you feel all 37kgs!!

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Illustrious Member
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09/01/2022 3:46 pm  

@lexi, If you can go two days without clawing the walls, you're in the clear.

Illustrious Member
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09/01/2022 4:28 pm  

@tktoo2. Will give it a try....

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Illustrious Member
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09/01/2022 4:34 pm  

@lexi, OTOH, if, on day 3, you happen to punch your spouse squarely in the mouth for no particular reason, you may have a problem.

Illustrious Member
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09/01/2022 4:37 pm  

@tktoo2. It is more likely that my spouse would be at the receiving end of a vitriolic verbal attack.

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Illustrious Member
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26/03/2022 7:37 pm  

I'm certainly not blaming anyone here and I've been wrong (once or twice) in the past, but the signs are not pointing in a particularly encouraging direction.

Let's all hope I'm mistaken!

Illustrious Member
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31/03/2022 3:20 pm  

Good work with pest control.

Thank you, and I'm glad to have been mistaken!

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