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Lockdown Blues

Lockdown Blues  

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Illustrious Member
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17/04/2021 9:29 pm  

@tktoo2).  How are things Stateside? Level 5 restrictions eased...that is until it backfires and Covid cases increase again!! Everyone was really fed up so now they are all swarming ....everywhere.Take-away pints of beer from Pubs and then people just sitting in large groups drinking on the sidewalks, sitting on walls etc.. different times indeed.

Having very varied weather here. Sunny days; freezing nights and as I am near the coast bloody cold onshore Easterly  winds.. Have had very little rainfall so any time  in the garden is spent watering all our potted plants. Normally we would be having rain every 2nd day at least. 

We are keeping well here, including my 96 year old mother-in-law, who is fine physically but the mind is somewhere else.

Good luck with the garden chores .

As we say here " there's a grand stretch in the evening" so plenty of time for all those jobs that we have been putting " on hold"

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Illustrious Member
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17/04/2021 10:06 pm  

@lexi, Our little town is an oasis of low risk for COVID surrounded by towns deemed anywhere from moderate to very high risk. Of course we really don't have much in the way of businesses where people might congregate, either, but the rate of infections among citizens is very low indeed. Cross the border to shop for groceries, however...

As more of us have received vaccinations, our Governor has decided to lift restrictions on indoor dining, movie theaters, sports venues, etc. I can't imagine myself and/or my lovely taking advantage of these anytime soon but, judging by the numbers of cars I've seen in some parking lots others are more than happy to. Lots of others. Maybe too many others. It's all a bit unnerving, really, especially considering the highly contagious variants becoming more widespread (who could've predicted that?). On a personal note, I got my second Pfizer shot last Saturday and my wife had hers Thursday. Yay, I think...

After weeks of a warmer-than-average and very dry spring, it was suddenly back to winter this past Thursday night when I got to drive an hour home from work in a snowstorm. We awoke yesterday to maybe 3 or 4-inches of sopping slush which has by now mostly disappeared but it's still a bit brisk and breezy for mid-late April. My main remaining gardening chores are edging the flower beds and transporting 5 cubic yards of mulch by wheel barrow from the pile in our driveway to wherever she points.

P.S. My in-laws are 93 and 92, live independently, both have cars (though he has stopped driving due to vision problems) and, since becoming vaccinated, have begun hosting once-a-week dinner parties with their friends again! My MIL, especially, is so happy to be able to do this and I can really understand why. If I'd been facing quarantine with my FIL for a year, I'd have taken the coward's way out, gladly.

Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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18/04/2021 9:07 pm  

Lexi, are you in the UK? Not that pubs are specific to the UK, but I just got a feeling from your post.

We had thick snow last Monday which has prevented me from putting out several plants for the summer, but it's getting quite late now - so I am hopeful this week will be warm enough to put stuff out.

Illustrious Member
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18/04/2021 10:56 pm  

@kyle-barrett.  Born and bred in Ireland.

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Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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18/04/2021 11:43 pm  

I almost feel like apologising for suggesting you might be in the UK, now! I'll simply say I'm jealous you're in the European side of the British Isles.

Illustrious Member Moderator
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24/04/2021 1:36 pm  

Good to hear you’re fine every now and then. Germany is quite hopeless and to me it feels like we‘re in the sixth year of lockdown now. Things haven’t changed much since early December. Shops and restaurants are either closed or you need a negative test to get in (not the restaurants). Official testing can be hard to come by, because you don’t get appointments or there’s a queue around the block. So For four months now I’ve only seen the supermarket around the corner. Besides this I’m in desperate need of a haircut. We‘re also having a ban on going out at night now. It‘s depressing. 

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member
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24/04/2021 2:14 pm  

@herringbone. The roll-out of the vaccines here has been very haphazard.  The Government/ Health authorities are constantly changing the goalposts and arguing among themselves with regard to the categories that will be prioritized.. It is a shambles and consistency with vaccine supplies is another issue.

Still no "non" essential shops open or pubs/restaurants... travel limited to a 30km radius of your house.

One of my daughters is a hairdresser, so I am sorted on that front. Could you not just shave it all off for the moment; your hair that is !

The shop assistants in my local supermarket are my new best friends.

As a healthcare worker, I was fully vacinated in January but that makes makes no difference to the general restrictions in place, which still apply . On the plus side I do get to leave the house, work with a great team and meet clients (aka patients) who are only delighted to have an excuse to get out of the house and chat with someone other than their immediate family.

And I completely agree; it is depressing.

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Illustrious Member
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29/10/2021 2:58 pm  

This place is crawling with vermin.

And desperately needs more than an every-once-in-a-while house cleaning.

Illustrious Member
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29/10/2021 3:03 pm  

Totally agree @tktoo2

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tktoo2 liked
Illustrious Member
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29/10/2021 3:06 pm  


We gets whats we pays for, I guess...

Illustrious Member
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29/10/2021 3:50 pm  

@tktoo2  😏 .

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Noble Member
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29/10/2021 7:54 pm  

I would keep reporting any add that does not make sense, like those on top. But yes, that pretty much of a shame there cancel a trip to South Africa... 

Kyle Barrett
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29/10/2021 8:48 pm  

Tried emailing, I offered to moderate. No response. I don't want to moderate in particular, but we just need someone who pays attention.

Illustrious Member Moderator
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30/10/2021 11:00 am  

So did I. 🤷🏼‍♂️

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Active Member Admin
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30/10/2021 12:16 pm  

Hello to all,

I apologize for the lack of cleaning up the forum. We have been operating as a small team since Covid-19 and unfortunately, we do not have a daily view of what is going on inside the publications. There is a lot of moderation that you don't see, there are almost 500 people banned. But there are still things that slip through the cracks.
I think you're right, we need one or more moderators from inside.
I'm willing to discuss this and organise a video conference training. Please feel free to email me at
Have a great weekend,

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