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DA old timers

DA old timers  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 745
03/09/2020 9:13 pm  

Hate to be the buster of bubbles, but I sincerely suspect that eva-2 is no more than a bot that has poached (for some nefarious purpose beyond my comprehension) one of our dear long-lost aunt's old posts. Stay well, old pals. November can't come fast enough.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 6462
03/09/2020 9:22 pm  

Oops ?  Oh, woe;  say it ain't so, Joe.  


They come on Wright Chat:  garbled quotes from previous posts, selling term paper or escort services and who knows what else.  We ignore them til the long-suffering administrator  removes them.

Illustrious Member
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03/09/2020 9:27 pm  

Sadly, you're right, tk:

How mean, to get our hopes up . . .

Bender disappointed.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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06/09/2020 9:15 pm  

On the previous page I wrote "Nedra Bowles";  the correct name is Nedra Volz.

. . .

Nedra, by any

other name would be as odd.


. . .

should compel a look

at Wikipedia.  But

who could claim to care . . .

. . .

A scandal a day

between now and November

ought to do the trick ?

. . .

We can only hope.

But by all means:  vote early !

Drag us from the brink.



Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
06/09/2020 9:29 pm  


"Doonesbury" today 

(yes, there's still a Doonesbury)

shows the president

º º º

with blood on his hands,  

which is referred to as "a

color adjustment . . .

º º º

. . . that will hereafter

mark him for as long as he

appears in this strip."

º º º

Right on, Garry Trudeau !



Big Television Man
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20/02/2021 11:33 pm  

Wow, I know it's been sometime since I last logged in (6 and a half years or thereabouts) but I've been thinking about that old gang who all seemed to join, I think sometime around May of  2010, maybe earlier. The other morning I was doing some research on RISD and SDR (whom I seem to recall either attended or taught there) popped into my head as one of my favorites from back in the day, so I logged in and low and behold I stumbled across this thread. A thread that is tailor-made for someone feeling nostalgic.

Hope everyone is well and staying safe and sane. For myself I've been incredibly busy, we moved into a new house which has needed a ton of work. Mostly a lot of the behind the scenes kind of stuff such as: 2 new AC units, a new roof, re-plumbed, new windows, painted inside and out, new floors, new kitchen, the list goes on and on. Probably TMI, but lets say I’m in an expansive sharing mood after many, many years away.

Spent a lot of time traveling in Europe and the Caribbean (pre-pandemic of course) and we’re very thankful that we were able to do so when we did. I’ve also been doing a bit of writing and published my first novel; "The Interludes; A Sexual Odyssey” by JK Duval. I’m delighted to say it has been very favorably five-star reviewed on Amazon. Currently it  is in front of some old contacts from my days working in the Dream Factory that is HollyWeird. Hope?, plan?, dream, is that it gets picked up as a long-form intersectional drama by a streaming service or premium cable channel. As one reviewer so nicely put it: “Think ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” . . . but with sex.” So fingers are firmly crossed and the rabbit’s foot is getting rubbed raw.

Currently I'm at work on my second novel, which I’m describing as a cross between Phillip Roth’s “American Gothic” and John Updike’s “Rabbit, Run” ambitious to be sure, but what the hell, in for a buck, in for a bundle. When the computer screen makes me cross-eyed I putter in my garden, although “puttering” would be putting it mildly as I am in the process of terra-forming my small patch as I reshape the contours of the yard, both front and out back, back breaking field labor is more like it. Satisfying for sure, as the physical work provides a sense of accomplishment, especially when daily page counts are low.:-)

A members search reminded me of all those with whom I've had some interesting and enjoyable exchanges with over those first couple of years that we all found ourselves in this forum. So, in no particular order I'd like to give a shout out to the following (with apologies if I've missed anyone) SDR, Whitespike, Killian, Alexandersforum, Brent, Riki, Rockland, LuciferSum, Mark, LRF, barrympls, dcwilson, Olive, Spanky, tktoo2, Koen, azurechciken, Llloyd, Jesgord, and of course Lunchbox.

My wish and hope for all of you, and our hosts of course, is that you and all those you love and hold dear are safe, healthy and happy. If you’ve subscribed to this thread or occasionally check-in I’d love to hear what’s new in your worlds currently. I will check-in from time to time, perhaps more. Depends on the daily page count. Warmest regards, BTM

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
21/02/2021 12:09 am  

Yow !  Long time no see (or whatever the current acronym for that might be.  Welcome back . . .!

Of the long list (!) of old-timers you were able to recall, Spanky and tktoo2 have been heard from, and Mark-from-Palm-Beach is among the missing.   As you can probably tell, the site is under new ownership;  Patrick and Alix reluctantly and graciously passed on the reins to others, several years ago.  This thread (or its ancestor) disappeared for a while, along with the old gang, but was eventually revived, and here we are.

Do you have RISD connections ?  I don't recall.  I'm a mere alumnus (Int Arch '64) with no relationship with the institution beyond correspondence with two former roommates.

Sounds like you've been keeping busy (sounds of distant avalanche/marching band/supermarket fagroon/car crash). I'll be looking for your books for sure.  I'm still working---freelance since retirement---and awaiting next week's national sweepstakes results, at which point I'll establish my first real workshop and start cranking out furniture, wall art and outdoor kinetic sculpture.  In the meantime I've had my first Covid shot, this week, and am eagerly awaiting warmer weather.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
21/02/2021 12:21 am  

Oh yeah:  current rage among Wright fans and others---a link to the Artstor files, an online collection of (among other things) the photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright drawings originally produced by the Getty Museum in cooperation with the FLW Foundation.  The images can be enlarged (though not downloaded) and are often quite legible---though many drawings seem not to have been photographed at high resolution.

To search a given project, type "Wright" and the client's name in the search box, expand to full screen (upper left), collapse the title band at bottom and navigate.  Hours of fun;  so many more drawings than have been published in the FLW Monographs (ADA EDITA, Tokyo, mid-'eighties) or elsewhere . . .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
01/03/2021 12:30 am  

Hey, all.  Nice to see that you're still here.

I see that the images in my old Patrick-and-Alix-era posts are all missing.  Sigh.  How do you attach images to new posts now?


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
01/03/2021 1:27 am  

Hey there !   How you do ?   I haven't tried to post an image yet---but I see a Choose File box below this field, so maybe that's it.  I'll try it:


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
01/03/2021 1:28 am  

Ooh---nice and big.  Whoopie . . .


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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01/03/2021 1:30 am  

So, whatcha been doon ?  Welcome back . . .!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
01/03/2021 2:14 am  

Ok, let me try...Does this show my live edge table?



Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
01/03/2021 2:54 am  
Posted by: SDR

So, whatcha been doon ?  Welcome back . . .!

Thanks.  I'm still in the Bay Area, although Covid made it pointless to live downtown, so now I'm a country mouse.

Furniture that was perfect for a modern apartment isn't necessarily appropriate for a bungalow in the hills, so I'm trying to figure out what works here.  The interior is slow going, but the backyard has been easier -- probably because it's new to me, so I don't have to fight 30 years' worth of accumulated intuition about what will look good in my house.

Speaking of which, I visited the city a couple weeks ago to buy some outdoor furniture at one of the Union Square stores that was having a sale.  Wow, it was like a ghost town.  How's it been for you?


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
01/03/2021 4:36 am  

Yeah, the city is somewhat quieter.  Street  traffic is down, though it has sprung back from what it was last year.  I've been less busy with free-lance work than last year, but there's enough to feel somewhat normal.  I'm habitually a loner, so the social separation isn't painful, for me.  The cafe I like to eat outdoors at has resumed patio dining (though still on a take-out basis)---they're friends, and I'm glad the business has survived.

What happened to your little Tulip table ?  That's too bad.  If all the pieces are there, maybe a black-epoxy repair is possible ?

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