This credenza has been listed on craigslist for a while now:
Here's the dealer's website: (edited by DA - link removed)
I'm not thinking of buying this, but my curiosity about the PP Mobler mark won't let up. It looks nothing like the sleek back-to-back Ps logo I'm familiar with and which appears to have been used back in the 60s too. This mark is almost cartoonish.
And this just doesn't seem like a PP Mobler product. First, did PP even make case goods? Doesn't seem like it. Definitely not Hans Wegner case goods. And where the edges are visible on this credenza, it looks like it could be made of particle board, which doesn't seem like something PP Mobler would use.
But perhaps PP licensed out their name at some point? Or maybe some small furniture company in the US Midwest stole the name?<img class="wpforo-default-i
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