Design Addict


I could live here.

I could live here.  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
20/10/2015 4:34 am  

Cheerleader odd smell
Pink carpet and very cheap
Evil in the womb

Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
20/10/2015 4:45 am  

>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>
Oh Mama Lustron
Budget smells your porcelain
Evil in the womb
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4586
20/10/2015 5:11 pm  

Dear all,
It happened again last evening. Perhaps the Thai food was a bit too spicy, and the dreams were a bit too sweet? Yes, I dreamed that SDR and I were living in the house with the pink carpet. We mutually decided to advance our relationship and "shack up" in our elder years watching cheerleaders and pigskin as much as we could. SDR was even learning to do a few decent cheers..and already could tap and twirl! We were both so fond of the pink carpet (and each other) that we only fought and argued over who would get to vacuum the pink rug every morning. I usually won. SDR's older model Chevrolet Bel Air fit flawlessly in the carport, only to be used for emergencies and the occasional drive in movies. The donut shop next door would be the perfect venue for our upcoming wedding...I was thrilled. I was plump. I was swollen from ankles to nipples in love and grease. Because the donut shop also offered pet grooming, we decided to adopt a pregnant apricot French Poodle that we fondly named Baby Harold, who proceeded to crank out 6 little pup's. It was such a simple life. The homes decor was a simple mix of country French and country French...mostly in shades of pink and pink. The lamps were over scale and very bright at all times, and the radio usually played either Kitty Well's greatest hits, or we listened to pre recorded cheerleader chants (in a foreign language). Knowing that I always wanted to be Ann Margaret since my teen years, we did a light freshening up to the only bathroom in a movie star theme..and removed all light sources. We both love to cook, but with the donut shop next door...why bother? Eventually, we ended up screening in the carport with chicken wire in order to have fresh chicken eggs and feet most days...and the Chevrolet ended up parked on the gravel drive. Chicken and eggs are a fine combination for any meal. We had many visitors. Then I woke up.
Aunt Mark
ps to be continued.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
20/10/2015 7:51 pm  

Please add a sentence or two about the water heater. It must be special to be included in the photos. I find it always helps sell the home to add a pic of the water heater and utility corner in general, don't you?

Illustrious Member
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21/10/2015 2:32 am  

Yes ! I wouldn't [i]dream[/i] of buying a home until I knew the brand and capacity of the septic sump and the water heater -- would you ? I mean, a girl has standards . . .
Hang on, A. Mark, I'm up in the attic looking for my veil. Drat -- where did I put that thing ? I last loaned it to my former baby-sitter Margaret for her fourth wedding. Girl got au jus sauce all over it, I don't know how. Maybe I can dye it pink. Is that okay for a first (blush) nuptial ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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21/10/2015 3:22 am  

I lived in a Lustron some years back, a Westchester model 2. It was a great house in many respects, but being built on a concrete slab, it was very very damp/wet in the summer and freeeezing in the winter. All the surfaces of an original Lustron are hard: vinyl floor tile over concrete, painted steel and enameled steel everywhere else. The heat radiates FROM THE CEILING, which is very inefficient and pretty much terrible. They're super cute, though I can't say it was a hard transition moving out. I think it's a house better suited to a warm dry climate.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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21/10/2015 3:36 am  

Dear SDR, It's probably just nicotine on the veil . I'd leave it alone and call it patina. It will be perfect. Now object, I am quite envious of your Lustron experience. They are sweet. I once saw a model with a Lustron garage (detached). Yellow, I think.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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21/10/2015 3:57 am  

Ooh -- I'd like to have seen that.
Object, where did you live ? Sounds like Florida . . . or equal. Wright's wood houses with cool concrete floors, the slab heated in winter, work well in temperate climes, I guess. Some years back I read about research in radiant heating -- a British publication, perhaps -- where they said that it's a very efficient system: the room can be cooler that ideal, as long as the users are heated directly by radiation. I wonder if the Lustron heating was intended to perform in that way ?

Illustrious Member
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21/10/2015 4:04 am  

I read where the original (in the attic, oil burner) heating source in the Lustron didn't work very well. It was common to scrap the old system and put in a forced air unit. I still see a few Lustrons in Iowa and Illinois. Never in Florida. Not sure why. Hi.
Aunt Lust

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 652
21/10/2015 3:36 pm  

'I was swollen from ankles to nipples in love and grease.'
That's one of the best lines I have heard in ages, I spat coffee over my computer.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
23/10/2015 1:02 am  

OK. Not for tender eyeballs, but....
I think that I have located Heath.
I think,
Aunt Mark
ps Heath, please come home....I miss you, and I would like my pink hat returned.
Aunt M.


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