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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
18/12/2015 3:30 pm  

I desperately need the following items this year from Santa. A new camera, some new shoes, cosmetic surgery, and a new image. I need a re-invent myself. So far this tender movie review (from one of my favorite films) has been quite helpful as a guiding tool for making all of my holiday decisions and yuletide wishes come true. Dear Santa, I've been good! Yes. Please? Oh!
With love,
Aunt Mark
ps the price of the camera isn't hard to swallow, but the nipple and dime extra's are fierce. I need to focus. Don't forget to feed the birds. They're watching you.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
18/12/2015 4:03 pm  

I love to wake up to stuffed… um…. squirrel.
Actors who aren't actors are the best actors. And stuffed actors are even better.
Warhol lives. Mark lives. Spanky lives.
Only 3 more days until the shortest (and darkest) day of the year. (I'm counting) Then the days begin to get lighter. As JMW Turner said on his death bed:
GOD IS LIGHT. Or something like that. At least the movie has birds in it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
18/12/2015 4:20 pm  

***** ******* *****
Wicked chafing two
so much flesh, plus twice the sin
corn starch Chesty's best friend.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
18/12/2015 6:17 pm  

Babbette, Babbette . . . (I just wanted to show that I could type it twice in a row, like a password !)
Mark, honey -- just a point-and-shoot from a good maker, that's all you need. $200 is more than enough; you don't need anything added beyond the charger; everything else is built in. Enjoy !
There -- Santa's advice is always free. And no grimace or fart, like from our B Bombshell ! Now, off to Wilkes Bashford to get someone [ahem] some nice wooly socks for Christmas. I'm thinking Argyle, or maybe Donald Duck . . .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
18/12/2015 7:48 pm  

For a minute there, I did not realize that SDR was talking about cameras. Context is everything you know…
Anyway, re cameras…. SDR, you always seem to be raving about my evening sky shots, and they were taken on my i phone 6. I have been taking lots of photos with it, and I have to say that it takes really beautiful photos in the day time as well. If you have a cell phone anyway, its almost worth switching to the i phone just for the camera.
I resisted moving up from my old i phone 3 for way WAY too long.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4376
18/12/2015 7:57 pm  

I love the camera in my iPhone 6. I can't even remember the last time I used my real camera. I mean, my non-phone camera.
Speaking of iPhone cameras--have you guys seen the movie Tangerine yet? It was shot entirely on an iPhone 5S with a couple of cheap add-ons (one to get a wide screen so it looks more movie-ish). I loved it. Netflix just added it, too.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
18/12/2015 8:52 pm  

Good point. I hear good things, too, about the iPhone camera. So far, I haven't needed a cell . . . or a toaster oven or an electric blanket or a microwave or a washing machine or a dishwasher or a big TV or a Porsche -- but give me time . . . !

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
19/12/2015 3:04 am  

[Homie -- they're all in shock. Say something . . .]
It's a bird ! It's a
plane ! No -- wait -- it's a train. It's
a fish on a bike ?
My poetry really sucks . . .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
19/12/2015 3:25 pm  

2 of my favorite fellows "wailing" some old Jimmy Rogers ( the father of C/W). Chesty Morgan can't sing C/W very well, but oh can she dance the "Slow Go-Go". June Bug Carter was probably grocery shopping...or something. Santa is dead. Bird seed can be smoked in some states. I like all of you.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
19/12/2015 4:00 pm  

I remember as an 11 year old kid (1964?) waiting to find out if "Hello Dolly" hit number one on the top 40 station. I couldn't believe such a "old" sounding song could make it to the top spot on MY radio station.
I was in the back seat of our Chevy Biscayne with my sisters, stuck in traffic and listening on a transistor radio that was fading fast due to a dying battery. When they finally got to number one, I could barely make out Louis' gravel voice. I had never heard of him before that song raced up the charts.
We saw Johnny Cash once, at a county fair. It was probably right at the low point of his career, before he started doing duets with all the punk bands and became hot again. It was kind of sad to see this legend playing in a mostly empty tent, but we loved being able to sit in the front row.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
19/12/2015 4:16 pm  

Good Morning Eameshead!
I've never sat front row at a concert, but I do sit front row on a jet plane, usually me alone, never with Johnny, or Louis. An older poster spoke of once seeing little Joe Cartwright at the Texas State Fair. I thought that was cool, too. And I suspect the best way to make a reindeer fly, would be for the fat man in the sled to wear his new reindeer skin boots (printed or non). Reindeer are smart.
Your Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
19/12/2015 4:19 pm  

Spanky's squirrel wins every year for best everything in all categories. Just for your viewing pleasure, here are five Swiss men playing their alp
horns last night at the Christmas market in Monthey. Surely they are worth a haiku or two, no?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
19/12/2015 4:31 pm  

this is too easy Riki….
playing ones alp horn
while in first class on jet blue
a haiku for you
I'm sure Mark's alp horn haiku will be much more twisted. After all I have a little restraint. Kind of… Mark, not so much.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
19/12/2015 4:41 pm  

And you should be rightly accused of posting suggestive imagery.
riki's alp horn porn
five swiss men do it standing
in front of a crowd
there. thats two. Im ashamed now.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
19/12/2015 4:44 pm  

Scary Squirrel, a crow
and an alphorn
walk into a bar . . .

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