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Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
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11/12/2015 12:42 am  

WELL, was that supposed to clear things up about Dagmar? Jesus. A Russian Life Magazine and a thin wikipedia link? I take it that's Dagmar on the magazine cover? Or just some random celebrity Soupy Sales shagged?
Just kiddin'...
Does anyone remember Skipper Sedley? He was an SF Bay Area kids show host on weekday afternoons on channel 4 circa 1960. He got fired during a show one day and went on a tirade while his mike was still hot. He re-emerged later as "SIR Sedley", with a coat of arms made of paper clips.
He was no Soupy Sales though.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4586
11/12/2015 1:04 am  

Bruce was a perv. And he was a Republican.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4586
11/12/2015 1:48 am  

***** ******* *****
Lost in the haze of time
Hot pants, Dagmar, and Soup Bone
Squeal like a pig.
Hey ya'll,
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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11/12/2015 1:50 am  

"Bruce was a perv". Why does this not surprise me. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Blaming everything on Bruce, both real and imagined, equals or exceeds Ray's guilt. Caitlyn blames Bruce. Have I gone too far.
My Pi Kappa Alpha intramural volleyball team went by the name Nads. There was nothing better than chanting go Nads at every inappropriate moment.
Mark, just for you I wore these Miu Miu green leather and canvas boots* today with a blue Hugo Boss shirt (a spry step and the ability to salute at the same time is helpful) with a green Gucci over-shirt and the ubiquitous Levi's. Not bad for 63.
* Someone in West Virginia was selling my shoes (stock photo) on eBay. I was unaware they wore shoes in that state. Have I gone too far.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
11/12/2015 2:00 am  

Hi niceguy.
Kaitlyn and Janice Dickinson are the same person. Bruce has gone into hiding somewhere in Constantinople (with some monks, I think). Oh the $$$ that this hoax has generated. And Janice is Kaitlyn only on demand, and I am your Aunt Mark. I heard it first on Hollywood Squares. It must be true.
I feel a case the vapors coming on,
Aunt Mark
ps any leftover birthday cake?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
11/12/2015 3:00 am  

Actually my favorite person to be bred in Huntington West Virginia was Peter Marshall....Host of the popular game show Hollywood Squares. Yes. What a handsome lad, and as previously mentioned, I learned everything that I know from watching Hollywood Squares. Everything. Yes.
Aunt Mark
ps. In 1979, he sang Back Home Again in Indiana at the Indianapolis 500.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
11/12/2015 4:21 am  

I'm not going to watch the video before I write "I hope it's a UFO video !"
Then I may dream up some flying saucer haiku . . .
Nope. A blimp, the teeming masses -- and Peter Marshall with great shades and two mics. What's not to like ? Thank you, dearest.
Somewhere far above,
a metal sphere zooms toward Earth.
No probing, please !!
(Two exclamation points equals a syllable, didn't you know ?)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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11/12/2015 4:55 am  

I'm reading a John Sandford thriller and came across the clothing name Façonnable. (Did the cedilla show up ? I'm only typing this to use my cedilla for the first time. Should the cedilla be typed with a cedilla ?) I like the name Façonnable . . .
Aunt Mark, have you been to the Riviera ? Have you ever been sold down the river ? Ever owned a Buick Riviera ? How about a Riata ? A Sonata ?
Ovaltine ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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11/12/2015 3:08 pm  

Good morning SDR!
I'll do my best to answer all 6 questions.
1. Yes.
2. I was sold down the river once. My parents received $1.69 per pound*, plus tax. A bargain. I was plump.
3. No, yet quite fond of the 1963-1965 Buick Rivera Gran Sport (with the brutal dual quad 445 Wildcat love).
4. No.
5. No.
6. Is Ovaltine mixed with vodka considered a Brutalist Black Russian? Then yes.
ps after learning from Eameshead (not on Hollywood Squares) that a hungry deer will eat a baby bird, I have started to stock up the freezer with raw ground deer meat to feed the birds. The birds are my friends.
Don't forget to feed the birds. They are watching you.
Aunt Mark
*I weighed 113 pounds naked at the time. I was almost in the 1st grade. Do the math. In those troubled times, I'd stay awake all night (every night) and listen to Art Bell on the radio taking questions from people who have had encounters with space aliens and used car salesman. Sometimes celebrities called in. He was my hero.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
11/12/2015 3:56 pm  

Mark, so glad to hear you are a loyal FOB (Friend of Bird). We already know that SDR is doing his important UCC field work (Urban Crow Communication) and I am organizing a neighborhood support group for robins that hit windows.
Robins seem to be the main bird species that fly into windows. Not jays, not brown birds, not crows, not red tail hawks. Okay an occasional sparrow now and then, but mostly just robins. So they obviously have issues and need help.
I have seen robins get drunk, so maybe there is a co-occurring disorder there. They eat the fermenting red berries from those thorny bushes, and get loaded and try to fly with one wing.
Just so you know, I personally have never seen a deer eat a bird. I don't think I could handle that. I was shocked to find out that they will eat anything if and when hungry enough.
I have seen loaded robins though. And as a kid, I worked on a used car lot. My cousin Bob got me the job. GEM AUTO SALES. Used car salesmen are indeed scarier than space aliens.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
11/12/2015 4:37 pm  

Hi Eameshead.
Maybe I should be cooking the deer meat for my fine feathered friends. Seeds on the side. No waiting.
I will,
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 6456
11/12/2015 5:44 pm  

I throw the sparrows at the café my scone crumbs. They nest in the roof tiles overhead and in the spring bits of dried grass float down into our coffee. Nesting. What can you do. They have quite individual coloring. P D James says the London wrens are the friendliest in the world.
I'm drawing a Wright tower model for some people who want to replicate the model now in the MoMA archive. Fun, when there aren't complete drawings of the building, and the guys who measured and photographed in New York were rushed and had blunt pencils, and didn't understand the value of full-frontal images (for confirmation of site measurements). If there are few drawings of the design how could the apprentices have constructed the existing model -- in 1940, of an unbuilt 1912 design ? Maybe they ate the drawings -- or fed them to the Taliesin crows and sparrows . . .
Lots of full-frontal images here; how did they rotate the camera to look straight down ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
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12/12/2015 12:26 am  

I found this video to be very informative on the subject of alien abductions, plus there's an element of West Virginia in there too, for you fans.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
12/12/2015 2:45 am  

Hi spanky. The man-o-snapper "hot boxing "the Marlboro
made me laugh like a tickled pickle in a blender ( the trucker on the left).. And Eameshead, do you recall your first car sale? Details? And you didn't listen to Art Bell? My. That was some good am radio. Weird way fucked up Southwestern patter. Yes! It it was all true. I was Ann Margaret then.
Your pal,
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
12/12/2015 3:05 am  

I TRIED to sell a used car exactly one time in my life. I failed. I hated it. I hate putting people on the spot in any way, especially if it concerns money. And I hated knowing that the car lot owner bought the car for 250 one day, and would then be selling it for 2000 three days later.
Even though I did take part in making the cars beautiful.
I do recall a 1964 Ford Fairlane Country Squire Wagon with fake wood paneling on the sides. I did a photo-realist painting of it at the age of 19. If you looked close enough, I was right there, reflected in the chrome bumper. I spent 300 hours on that painting.
I sold the PAINTING. But not the car!
I cleaned and buffed out many a T-Bird.

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