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the reproduction ch...

the reproduction chatter should be moot  

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Friend of Design
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09/07/2009 3:12 am  

Eames Storage Units
Hello - I'm going to jump in here, and a little late at that but I wanted to add something that I hope is taken as helpful.
To clear up a few things on the ESUs: I was the project manager at Herman Miller for the Home during the time that Modernica was contracted to produce ESUs for HMH. Modernica had become a HMH retailer early on and the thought was to convert them to 'authorized' Herman Miller products. They had great enthusiasm for the product. The story is long and sorted but I wanted to address the comment 'one day a knock-off, the next it's authentic. No change in the manufacturer, materials, manufacturing process' just the addition of the label.' That statement is totally untrue. A team from Herman Miller, including myself, mechanical, packaging, and quality engineers, and Eames Demetrios worked long and hard with Modernica to bring their manufacturing, materials and processes up to HM standards. We limited the options to the 5 original configurations in two colorways. The argument of authentic or not can go on and on with numerous opinions, but if the designer, his/her heirs, or foundation have not authorized 'blessed' the product and don't receive royalties chances are it is not Authentic. One of the reasons the Herman Miller / Modernica relationship ended was Modernica's continuation of producing and selling knock-offs. Also, as a side note when Herman Miller brings back a design that they were the original manufacturer of it is considered a 're-introduction' and not a reproduction.

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09/07/2009 4:34 am  

thanks friend.
thanks friend of design...
Perhaps you can give us some insight into the Bubble Lamp re-introduction at HM and then discontinuation and continuation by Modernica as I have been told that took place the same time as the ESU's and how that all went down? I had a very reliable source, but don't know all the details.
Hope to hear soon.

Friend of Design
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11/07/2009 1:48 am  

The bubble light situation was very similar to the ESUs. HMH ? was purchasing them from Modernica after assisting the manufacturer (who is not Modernica ? see below) with adjusting the formula to correct issues with cracking during shipping in really cold and really hot conditions, gaving them a bit more elasticity. HMH engineering also helped with the packaging updates. The Bubbles were discontinued by HMH at the time the relationship ended with Modernica. It was another attempt to try to get Modernica to be legitimate.
There was a question above about the differences seen in some of the other bubble like materials used ? a big part of that is the formula of the web spray and the thickness of the application. There is even a difference between current bubbles compared to when Howard Miller was producing them. The updates in the formula also help them stay white longer than the old ones too ? of course not as many people smoke around the dining room table as in the old day either.
Modernica is very good at ?seeking? out sources and marketing. And actually even though Modernica claims to be the ?manufacturer? of these lights, someone else bought the original frames / fixtures and formula from Howard Miller and had tucked them away. Modernica found this person and convinced them to manufacture the lights only for Modernica, but this other person maintains ownership. The rub with the lights is that while they are ?real? in the fact that they are the original tooling and such ? they are not truly official or authorized. And just to be clear, because again I know everyone has their own definition of these circumstances and I?m not looking to argue ? to me official and authorized is approved by the designer, their foundation and or family. There is no royalty paid to George Nelson?s family for any of the Bubbles currently being sold.
One last thing - I don?t know this for sure as I?ve not done a ton of research on all the designs that were ever thought of by George and his associates but there seems to be some options available now that Modernica takes creative license on to expanded designs on their own and claim them as Nelson designs. This is also true for the ESUs and or course the Shell chairs ? While I think updates are good in general and some very necessary in today?s environment, I just have got to think Charles must be rolling in his life-ever-after with that Prince Charles concoction. Again, must give Modernica credit for some shrewd marketing getting the name Charles associated with the product and not violating the trade rights of Herman Miller.

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11/07/2009 1:51 am  

I wonder
How many Prince Charles chairs have actually been sold??

Noble Member
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13/07/2009 10:12 am  

Thanks for the history,...
Thanks for the history, Friend. Does this mean that the Modernica bubbles are still being produced here in West Michigan?
There was a gentleman who continued producing the lamps for many years after Howard Miller ended production. It was my understanding that he'd bought the original equipment from Howard Miller. He worked out of a space in the defunct Holland, MI Chris Craft plant, and marketed the lamps under the name Gossamer Lighting. I own one of the Gossamer lamps from that era.
In recent years, the equipment has been used locally for some non-Nelson bubble lamps for a local business, as well as a few artist's sculptures. For that reason I was skeptical when Modernica advertised that their lamps were produced on the original equipment. However, I can see that this would fit your explanation that the equipment still belongs to the same man who originally bought it from Howard Miller. True?

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