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red aniline LCM cha...

red aniline LCM chairs  


Famed Member
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14/03/2013 7:11 am  

Does anyone know much about these? I found a couple for sale and I thought they were very nice. They were also very expensive. Are these rare? Because of the price, I didnt look closely at them, but thinking of going back to look at them again. Is there anything I should look for specifically? They have black legs, and I doubt they have the label. Thank you!

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2013 3:53 pm  

They are somewhat rare to find in good original condition. Aside from the wood, check the condition of the shock mounts and epoxy. They usually need to replaced with age but occasionally you will find them still in good shape.

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2013 6:43 pm  

Also expect the wear surfaces to show fading
and sometimes splotchy appearance due to fugitive "dye" and birch's nasty tendency to accept stains unevenly. Underside of seat panel should be considerably closer to original color.
At first glance, I'd say the set of DCMs in the link look to be in exceptionally good condition.

Eminent Member
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15/03/2013 2:16 am  

aniline lcw
Here is a photo of my red LCW for comparison. It's not perfect and other than replacing the lower seat shock mounts through Herman Miller back in the late 80s it hasn't been restored. The seat appears to look faded yellow in lower light situations although it glows bright red in direct sunlight.

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15/03/2013 4:26 am  

very helpful!
Thank you! The pics are helpful. The red lcm and dcms are beautiful. I might take another look at the chairs, but like I said they are very expensive. It would be neat to own something so unusual though. Maybe I'll take some pics and post them here to see what you think.
Are chairs by Evans more valuable than those by HM?

Pegboard Modern
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15/03/2013 9:01 pm  

Evans production is earlier and more valuable than later Herman Miller production. Likewise with the red chairs. They were sold in far fewer numbers and therefore are more scarce and more valuable so long as they are in decent condition.
Smogguy's LCW is in exceptional condition. Typically the red chairs have fading and inconsistency to the color and finish from age and use. Exposure to direct sunlight can obviously cause significant fading. Most people don't mind the patina of age, but if they are as clean and bright as smogguy's expect to pay a premium.
I'm sure you know that the Evans production chairs are easily identified by the feet and the frame.
These are examples of what the finish will look like on a typical red LCM:

Prominent Member
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15/03/2013 9:16 pm  

Fun Fact:
The red aniline/black base combo DCM/LCM is once again available from HM.

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17/03/2013 6:16 am  

Thanks! I went and looked at them again. They are very red in color. Apparently someone had painted over the red with black paint, which was removed. The shock mount on one chair is broken and crumbling. The chair with the broken mount is missing two of the caps for the bottom of the legs. Both chairs have "lcm" stamped on the seat bottom and no labels.
Also, while looking at the pics, I see that the frame is broken on one (see below).
I would love to have them in my home, but I am worried about the broken frame and shock mount. Does it affect the value to replace the shock mount? Maybe I should make an offer on just one?
Does anyone know what kind of wood they are made of?

Oil and Collage
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17/03/2013 10:32 am  

The red looks questionable, so questionable that I would probably pass. I have an original red DCM and DCW, and there should be a very nice patina that ranges from yellowish red to rich red in areas that haven't been exposed to much sunlight(the red dye they used must have been a fugitive color). These seem as though they must have been touched up. Also, don't mess with shockmount problems, there are people in this forum that can attest to that. If you are planning on spending a chunk of change get something from Rago or Wright.

Oil and Collage
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17/03/2013 10:35 am  

The bolts attaching the backrest are all wrong, they should be a phillips screw. Judging by the shape of the frame this chair is not early enough for them to have still been messing around.

Illustrious Member
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17/03/2013 4:47 pm  

The finish looks like painted ash veneer and too fresh.

Illustrious Member
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17/03/2013 5:54 pm  

Not worth it
If these chairs are "very expensive", as you said. They are clearly not original aniline dye, have clearly been worked on, and the broken frame is obviously further devaluing.

Illustrious Member
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17/03/2013 6:18 pm  

Just for the sake of curiosity,
did you look at the bottoms of the legs to see if they're solid or hollow?
Somebody went to some length in effort to deceive, I suspect.

Famed Member
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17/03/2013 8:23 pm  

you guys are terrific
Thank you! I will pass on these chairs. I did consider making an offer on the good one, but it sounds like I should just pass.
I was thinking they maintained the red color because they had been painted over and possibly not exposed to much light. I did not know about the back and the screws.
I did not look at the legs to see if hollow. I should have done that.
Thank you again!


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