This sculpture recently ended on ebay. Seller did not know the sculptor-nor do I. Love the form and as it fetched decent money (almost $1,500.00), it must be someone well known-no? Can someone please fill me in on the mystery sculptor? <img class="wpforo-default-image-attach
i-universe lacks an effective pattern-recognition facility -- something that would allow a search based on a visual scan comparison. In this case, it is the signature/logo that would be the subject of search.
The analog is the fingerprint identification system in use around the world. . .
The sculpture bears some resemblance to the work of Isamu Noguchi, of course. But the material is stained wood.
The signature is faintly familiar.
That's my fondest dream-- mark & signature identification software!
The insanely hard part would be compiling the database. (Maybe this will become reality, in ten years or so!) When I think of all the hours I've wasted trying to decipher scrawled signatures, and mysterious maker's marks...
I too love this sculpture. I too find something vaguely familiar about the monogram. I too have no idea who made it.
Contact the seller?
The seller has contact with the buyer.
Maybe in a nice brief note the buyer will let the seller
know the artist? (once it is in the hands of the buyer they might
give out the info?)...if the buyer even knows.
It is vintage and of the era judging by the glue on the back.
1500 is penny candy for some pockets. I can see it in a collection.
worth more or not.
I have a few markings and signatures in my visual database.
I've added that one.
I just lost a piece in a local NYC art auction. I could not find info on
the marking during the 10 days leading up to the final day. The price
did go rather high but not crazy.
As suggested, I have...
As suggested, I have contacted the seller to see if they have acquired any info. If they had prior to the end of the auction, I assume they would have modified the listing.
I also asked if they would be willing to ask the buyer if they knew the artist's name.
Kind of feels like cheating to go this route......that said, we'll see if it yields any results.
I'll report back
Cant see you pic....but I fou...
Cant see you pic....but I found it elsewhere and linked below. Similar form, yes.
As for my efforts to ID maker, the Seller was non-responsive and the Purchaser has not yet left feedback. Once of these days, I'll figure it out.
On a similar note I had purchased a bronze sculpture/plaque at a yard sale about four years ago.....Finally, thanks to Ebay, I now know it was originally a Paolo Soleri, Arcosanti produced design. The moral of the story.....patience.
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