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The Last Thing You ...

The Last Thing You Acquired #23 (Michael Jordan edition)  

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Illustrious Member
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16/10/2013 4:53 am  

I can sure see the similarities. Check out the join. The seat frame I thought was oak but now believe it is just more of the same, not smoked/aged. The arm is 1 1/2" wide and about that tall.

Illustrious Member
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16/10/2013 5:04 am  

Thanks, Woody.
I edited my earlier post to replace the snapshots with better photos.
"Airman" is 20" x 16".
"Suicide by Proxy" is smaller, maybe 8" x 8" or so.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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16/10/2013 5:10 am  

That looks very much like Philippine Mahogany to me. (FWIW: I don't think I can tell the difference between true mahogany and Philippine Mahogany in photos, so I'd say the same for true Honduran Mahogany).
And the little details look very similar. Very odd. Maybe Urban Aire produced some other designs in Philippine Mahogany.
Oh, and the rough underside of that timber in your photo seems like what I would expect based on my chair. The "skin contact" surfaces were very nicely finished, but elsewhere they could care less.

Illustrious Member
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16/10/2013 5:22 am  

completely agree. Everywhere you don't see, rough. Pretty filthy, going to do some cleaning and see what they look like
Oh, and they are really comfortable too (although the foam/upholstery need replacing).

Illustrious Member
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16/10/2013 3:19 pm  

Doing what I can to support the local art scene.
This photo, by Donald Miguel, is going to my picture framer tomorrow:

Illustrious Member
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16/10/2013 10:56 pm  

no big deal
I purchased the Harman Kardon Signature 2.0 Series 5.1 processor and Signature 2.1 Series 5.1 amplifier for $68.00 at Goodwill. They are both fully functional, cosmetically excellent and made in the USA.
The clean lines are "easy on my eye". The specifications are above average (not 2013 audiophile grade).
I hope to use these with two pairs of Vienna Acoustics Schönberg speakers (I have one pair in storage). This would be a secondary (bedroom) system.
Should this project require too much energy or time I will give the processor and amplifier to my father (the Vienna Acoustics speakers stay).

Noble Member
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16/10/2013 11:12 pm  

very nice

Noble Member
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20/10/2013 12:19 am  

making a mountain out of a Moller hill.....
Picked up a nice group of faded rosewood furniture that was sold to me as walnut. Eight Moller armchairs, BPS credenza, Wikkelso table, and Komfort case sofa. It's hard getting rosewood to return to its old glory though.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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20/10/2013 4:53 am  

20 lbs of Danish Cord
Got six new Møllers to re-cord. Not the ones in the photo. They came with perfect cord.
No more 2 lb dilettante rolls of danish cord for me. Had to spring for the 20 lb spool.
Didn't realize it was going to be this big though.

Illustrious Member
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20/10/2013 5:06 am  

the potential, man! Wrap for all you're worth!

Illustrious Member
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20/10/2013 5:18 am  

Those big ones last a long,
long time. I think they go further than ten 2-lb coils somehow.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 5660
20/10/2013 5:38 am  

Spanky: I'll let you know if...
Spanky: I'll let you know if it tangles on me. I expect it will. But if in case I accidentally stumbled onto something that makes it not tangle I will try and figure out what that is, I will try to be conscious of what that is and report back.
It was very thoughtful of Frank to send the thing in a box pre-sized to have a hole cut in the top for me to pull cord out of.

Noble Member
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Posts: 248
20/10/2013 7:54 am  

put a cardboard tube in the center
tight and attach that to a board.
It worked for me and made things very easy.

Prominent Member
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21/10/2013 1:23 am  

does anyone recognize this?
trying to ID today's acquisition. any thoughts?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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21/10/2013 1:28 am  

That's divine, phonegirl.
Fo' Shrizzle,
Aunt Mark

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