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How to restore my B...

How to restore my Bendt Winge drop leaf table  


New Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1
02/06/2015 6:35 pm  

Hi All,

I have just bought the below table:

Although it is in a much darker colour. I was wanting to refinish this in a lighter colour. The colour is more of a mahogany at the moment. I am absolutely new to restoring furniture but this piece has a couple of scratches on and the colour doesn't really suit our flat. I'm not sure though given the piece whether I should go ahead and alter it - I want to be sensitive to it as it seems to have quite the history. Any words of wisdom would really help me out!


Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 2059
02/06/2015 8:26 pm  

Hi Hannah. I had two of those tables a couple of years ago that could be linked together to create a very long banquet table. The tops were made of teak veneer on beech substrate. I believe the legs were solid beech with a teak stain. I've seen the same design in rosewood as well.Without seeing photos of your table (I think your post infers that the linked table is the same design but not yours), I wouldn't be able to determine if your table was rosewood or was a teak table that someone subsequently stained. If rosewood, then it would not be a candidate for refinishing to a lighter color. If stained teak, then it might be possible to refinish back to a natural teak color, depending on how it was stained.
On a separate note, your linked photo shows the gate legs forming a triangle shape when opened. They should actually swing past each other (to create an X) to provide more stable support (see attached photo).


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