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House for sale. Mid...

House for sale. Mid-Century gem Laurel Canyon  


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Illustrious Member
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15/02/2014 1:30 am  

is a bit strong
Like - the exterior color, the lines are ok
not so much - the interior is rather....Target like
I've seen nicer pads here just in passing.
but I am, in Mark's honor, a bit buzzed.. Beer, don't you know

Illustrious Member
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15/02/2014 1:34 am  

The house looks pretty nice and well maintained, but the furniture is horrible.

Illustrious Member
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15/02/2014 1:43 am  

if you are advertizing it for sale well maintained is a must
it's o.k. Not particularly stylish or warm.

Illustrious Member
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15/02/2014 2:22 am  

Hard to tell
Since there aren't any photos of the entire exterior from different views.

Estimable Member
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15/02/2014 2:24 am  

Agree about the interior being Target-like. The finishings are nice as well, but not well suited to the style of the home.

Illustrious Member
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15/02/2014 2:47 am  

it looks "staged" (?)
The interior feels so clean, like nobody really lives there. Other than the walk in closet, it probably has been staged by a rookie real estate agent. The "Art" on the walls is painful. I would venture to say that the guitar painting alone will kill a few deals on its own. Hard to look past that thing.
House Kebab.... is there a gunpoint price you would consider paying for this house? And did you ever find a chair?

karin koller webb
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15/02/2014 6:38 am  

Ex photo stylists
Ex photo stylist speaking....what up with all the wonky exterior shots? Moreover, are we serious with the closet shot??? I say show it empty...or not at all. Forgive me...full moon in Leo tonite

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15/02/2014 8:39 am  

The bathroom
instantly depresses me.

Illustrious Member
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15/02/2014 9:03 am  

A single-bedroom period
house has been made into a two-bedroom with the addition of a carbuncle which has no relation to the original structure. The owner who made the change apparently didn't trust flat roofs . . .
It would be interesting to re-imagine the structure with a sympathetic replacement of the addition; its relationship to the deck isn't bad. The house has't enough significance to justify a restoration which would return the house to its original size, though that's not out of the question as an alternative -- for the right owner ?

Trusted Member
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15/02/2014 11:45 am  

It's a bad styled...
It's a bad styled post-modern stuff, agonizingly boring.

Illustrious Member
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15/02/2014 6:44 pm  

I agree...
I agree with SDR about that clunky addition. That was my first reaction too...
And Hazelnut... I am guessing that most of those weird photo angles are due to the fact that it is an awkward location on a steep hillside, and there simply are not that many shots that allow one to back up and see the place from a more flattering angle. Also looks like they didn't want to show how close or intrusive some of the neighbors/ views might be. It seems like many of the high interior window placements were made with that in mind too.
Weird closet shot. Almost as bad as that guitar painting!

Illustrious Member
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15/02/2014 7:59 pm  

On Made in China Middle Class "Contemporary" Cheapo Style-
I agree that the house would show better if empty.
I imagine that the real estate company owns the furniture and has a decorator that has to make do with their available inventory and budget for such things. Thus the furnishings consist of a $199 high top dinette, a $399 sofa, a $79 TV stand, etc. This is the kind of crap that mainstream middle class consumers with a "contemporary" style preference purchase and I suppose there's nothing wrong with that* if you have no creativity or taste i.e. you're are just an average yahoo and not a "designaddict".
Really all it needs is a little love, so to speak-
I could move in there and have it looking great in no time!
*actually I could probably write a quite lengthy essay about all the things that are wrong with that, but hey let's not burn the world down today quite yet-

Illustrious Member
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16/02/2014 2:54 am  

I like the 280se.
Aunt Mark

karin koller webb
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16/02/2014 5:03 am  

Still tripping
I admit it, I'm still tripping on the closet and wondering where the tenant went during this process of making it 'camera ready'. Such a huge disconnect, but then again there is only so much one can HIDE. On a positive note, I love the big ass planters....


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