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Art around the home

Art around the home  

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Illustrious Member
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30/07/2013 4:18 am  

Certainly, pottery can be considered works of art. Perhaps a new thread should be created for pottery around the home. I have a few unique pieces to share. 🙂

Illustrious Member
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30/07/2013 4:21 am  

from what I remember seeing, your pottery puts mine to sleep.
Aunt Mark

Noble Member
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31/07/2013 5:31 am  

I wanted to add to this...
I wanted to add to this thread with what my wife and I have collected over the years. Like every other artist I know our apartment is stuffed with my own work but here are a few pieces that we've been lucky enough to also have.
Like collecting modern furniture it takes a lot of sifting through lesser works to put together a collection of true significance, but we have an advantage of knowing a lot of talented people.
We have works from three artists now and will be expanding our collection soon and have some artists in mind.
Jeff Morris
framed pencil drawings
Sedireng Mothibatsela
six ceramic "stones"
Leah Wolff
fired raku "impossible shape"

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2013 7:54 am  

Thanks for sharing your collection. Those are all interesting works. I think I like the ceramic stones the best. I agree, building a quality collection takes time, thought, and discipline (among other things). Eventually, I hope to be able to exercise all three.

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2013 8:54 am  

Oh, speaking of stones...
I have a bunch of big granite stones that I picked up from a beach in Gilleleje, Denmark. It was when we were living there and were nearly broke with no money to buy any of the wonderful stuff in the shops. So I went to the beach on a couple of cold winter days (with the wind whipping across the water and freezing every part of me that wasn't covered by my jacket) and looked for the most beautiful stones I could find. They were granite and were originally part of Sweden that broke off a bazillion years ago and were eventually washed up on the shores of Denmark, all smooth and lovely.
I about wrecked my arms lugging them back to the car. And then later when we went back to the US, a Danish moving guy packed them all in one box and hoisted it to his Viking shoulder and trotted over to the container to load it. Kind of amazing right there.
Anyway, they are beautiful and I really, really treasure them. I'd love to go back for more but without the convenience of a container in which to pack them, it's not really very practical.

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07/08/2013 5:57 pm  

Here is a picture of my livin...
Here is a picture of my living room with a painting by Spanish artist Santiago Ydañez.

Illustrious Member
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24/08/2013 6:33 am  

Alyne Harris

Illustrious Member
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24/08/2013 5:46 pm  

Buzzed sidenote.
Great piece of art, woody.
When I was a small brat, our lawn groomers (gardeners?) were an older set of twin gentleman..and their younger brother. Their mother named them
Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
and Buffalo Bill.
You piece looks exactly like Buffalo Bill. He taught me how to roll a cigarette.
ps since Atlantic and Pacific were identical twins...and my father couldn't tell them apart, we just called them both Oosh. Buffalo Bill had a better look (like your portrait). They were very good to us.
Carry on,
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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24/08/2013 6:36 pm  

I love your anecdotes. Maybe you should write a memoir?

Honorable Member
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24/08/2013 9:22 pm  

In your one photo of pottery on the ledge, do you happen to have a better pic of the brown and white lava glaze vase? From what I can see, it looks as if it could be a Monika Maetzel. Any possible markings on the foot?

Illustrious Member
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24/08/2013 10:06 pm  

This is my collection of...
This is my collection of thrift store art. The brown hued cubist painting near the bottom is the only one I got at a retail antique shop. The Modigliani copy was probably a student's art project.

Illustrious Member
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24/08/2013 10:29 pm  

My god, tchp,
The thrift stores have been kind to you! That's a very nice collection. And Allthings stig, Do you mean the brown/white speckled vase on the fireplace mantle? If so, it was only one dollar USD (local charity store), and the bottom is covered in green felt. I thought that perhaps it was an art project from a middle school student. It is kind of heavy. I wish that you were correct.
As usual,
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4586
24/08/2013 10:39 pm  

Dearest Stig,
This one? Please tell me that it is a priceless long lost piece of pottery from somebody untouchably famous!
As always
Your Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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24/08/2013 10:44 pm  

The underbelly.

Illustrious Member
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25/08/2013 4:57 am  

Dear Aunt Mark,
Why is that felt still on there?! Peel it off!

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