Design Addict


American of Martins...

American of Martinsville and george nelson?  


Honorable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 132
12/08/2011 4:58 am  

I know that there are a lot of dealers out there who love associating George Nelsons name with American of Martinsville. I have passed up on several pieces made by American of Martinsville over the past 6 months. I just checked 1st dibs and several of the pieces I have passed up are on there for $2,000+.

I am just curious did Nelson even design anything for them? It seems the more time that passes the more he designed.

Most recently I passed up on the link below...If it was by nelson I would go back and snag it for 100 bucks...but if it?s just poorly attributed then I could do with out adding to the series of tall tales and confusion.

Pegboard Modern
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12/08/2011 5:22 am  

No. Never.
The Nelson office did not have anything to do with the American of Martinsville designs. It shows either ignorance or wishful thinking on the part of any seller who makes that attribution.
American of Martinsville are perfectly nice designs and quite well made. They sold a lot to heavy use markets like hotels and motels, but to my knowledge they did not have any name designers working for them. Rather, they made furniture that was derivative of popular designs of the era.
Buy it if you like it and have a use for it. Do not buy it thinking you are going to cash in on desirable Nelson designs. Save your speculation for the gold market.
*edited for tpyos.

Honorable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 132
12/08/2011 5:55 am  


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