Need to know who designed it or maker?i bought out of a house attic, the family brought it over from iceland in the 50-60's
(edited by DA - no sales on the forum please)<img class="wpforoimg" src="
they lived in iceland and brought it here, everything in the house was all danish, finn juhl, illum wikelso, arne vodder, hans wegner ect.
pretty sure its scandinavian, bent plywood under the fabric and foam.
it looks similiar to the womb chair by knoll but wider and tufted and the base is very different
any help would be great
I don't know who the designer is but I'm pretty sure it was reupholstered at some point. That looks like crushed velvet, which I can't imagine was ever used by a Scandinavian designer in the 50s or early 60s. The welted box seat cushion doesn't look right either--chairs of this sort pretty much always have cushions with rounded edges and one seam. I'm also not so sure that the button tufting was done that way originally---upholsterers often add buttons when redoing curved forms like this because it's easier and less risky than gluing the fabric directly to the foam. You have to do one or the other to get the fabric to conform to the inside curve. The buttons are more spread out than the usual arrangement on tufted backs, and the bottom row is set pretty low.
None of that is 100% definitive and none of it will help much in ID-ing the chair. But! I think you can go ahead and strip the whole thing and maybe there will be a clue somewhere on the plywood frame. Not terribly likely---but maybe. Just take a lot of photos before you do it. (and if you could post a clear closeup of the fabric where it is torn off the arm on the left side--showing the crinkled texture and the blue-ish wrong side of the fabric, that would be great! I am just very curious.)
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