Bernstrand Thomas

Bernstrand Thomas
Thomas Bernstrand has his own design studio in Stockholm called Bernstrand & Co. He trained at the University College of Arts, Crafts & Design in Stockholm, 1994 – 1999, Danmarks Designskole, 1996, and the Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm, 2005 – 2006. Thomas has received the following design prizes and awards: Excellent Swedish Design (twice), the Spanish cDIM Design Award 2004, Ann Wall Design Prize 2005, Sköna Hem Furniture of the Year 2005, Imm Interior Innovations Award (Germany), 2005. Thomas has taken part in several art and design exhibitions around the world, including MoMA in New York, Colette in Paris, Biennale Design Saint-Etienne, etc. He works on commissions for several Swedish and international companies.

