Lucci Roberto

Lucci Roberto
I’ve been involved in design since 1960 and have designed more than 400 products, many of them have been on the market for 15, 20, and 30 years. Now I use my long experience to maximize the profit that design can produce.
Design decisions are often difficult choices because they only partially rely on rational, objective elements. I offer sound, reliable advice which helps companies make sensible choices.
The formula of good design has not changed and the constant, unchallenged success of the chairs designed by Aalto, Breuer, Eames, Jacobsen, Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Saarinen proves it.
My design experience has gone through the many economic downturns of the last 50 years. When the market is unreceptive it is time for innovative ideas; it may be necessary to create more than new shapes and to develop innovative global solutions to the problems that often recessions evidence.
Designing just new shapes may not be enough when the market is saturated with competing products.
I can manage the design process in the direction of new multiple design solutions, targeting a wider public and winning over the competition with a range of products rather than with just one.
This is Design Maximization and this also means Profit Maximization.