The most strange thing, to me, is the shape of the hardware itself. Clearly the screws have been tampered with. But the shock mount part of the metal has a circular shape. Which, according to this website, makes it an Evans model (which I thought were produced in California). However it clearly has a Zeeland, MI label.
Clearly, its a hot mess. That's all I know for certain!
Yes, it is rather a basket case. Poor thing!
The end result of any effort to restore your chair wouldn't be worth much monetarily, but could be an enlightening experience!
That said, almost nothing is impossible if enough resources are invested and you don't have much in it so far. Realistically, if it were me and I were motivated, I'd be thinking a solid black finish on this one to mimic that available on originals of this vintage.
Detail pics of shock mounts and feet, please?
tktoo, thank you for the input. Definitely considering the black finish, especially with those rusted through nails. We are looking at attempting to rejuvenate the wood first, but if that doesn't work, moving on to other choices.
I've attached some additional photos of the shocks and feet for you, hopefully this helps!
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