Hello, I have two teak loungers by Glostrup that I am trying to take part to refinish but I can't figure out one part. There are brass pieces that hold the backrest to the frame that I can't wrap my head around. It seems that there are two pieces to the part as I can get the piece on the inside to spin. This doesn't seem to do anything as the outside piece remains stationary. Has anyone taken these apart before? I could use a hot tip!!
Thanks<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/FWH3Zi_W-cLIt898g9Q94s
Sorry for unearthing this thread but the dedicated one I have seen this morning has mysteriously disappeared...
However, here is a "proof" that your chairs (usually attributed to Arne Vodder here in France) are by Svend Aage Eriksen.
It is from an old Roche Bobois catalogue (1962).
If you need any help, please contact us at – info@designaddict.com