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Arne Hovmand Olsen ...

Arne Hovmand Olsen Dining Chair - Replacement Brass Spacer  


Eminent Member
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Posts: 23
05/08/2017 2:54 am  

Hey everyone,

I recently came across a great steal for a set of 4 Arne Hovmand Olsen dining chairs. It's the one with the floating cushioned backrest. One of the chairs is missing one of the spherical brass spacers and I'm sort of at a loss for figuring out how to replace it.

I've attached a number of images for reference. Looks to be simply a large brass bead with a hole bored large enough for a screw. Does anyone know where I might be able to find something similar or am I stuck with potentially finding someone to fabricate one for me.

Thanks a lot in advance!
img6128.jpgimg6123.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

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Posts: 164
05/08/2017 5:23 am  

Cool chairs.

I would try the following:

1) Order a solid brass ball from McMaster-Carr ( and drill out the hole (

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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05/08/2017 7:10 am  

Here is another source for brass balls. 3/8" looks like it would be pretty close.

Then get a hole drilled in it. I bet with some cleverness even a hand drill can put a hole close enough to the center.

Kyle Barrett
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06/08/2017 1:42 am  


I have seen some of these before, maybe even twice, and passed on them thinking they were British design! They're quite similar to the Elliots of Newbury chairs, so I've always assumed that they were just a later version, still by them.

Thanks for this!


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06/08/2017 3:13 am  

@teakhound and @leif,

Thanks! I'll check those sites out and place an order for a few sizes just to be safe.

I'll definitely need to check in my network for some help with this - I don't have a drill press or anything of the sort that'd be able to get this done.

That said, is that what I should be asking around about? boring a hole with a drill press?

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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06/08/2017 4:54 am  

Yep, that would do it. I'd probably get a scrap 2x4 or something, and drill a hole in it so that the ball can be driven very tightly into it, then clamp the block of wood to the drill press table, and drill.


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