I recently found a set of 2 Saarinen Executive Armless Chair on the side of the road. I was able to determine that they seem to indeed be authentic knolls, although, I am having trouble figuring out what year they are from due to lack of information.
The one chair had its original legs taken off and replaced with a cheap office chair caster, while the other does seem to have the original legs (the viewpoint of the photo makes them look strange but they do indeed have the curve).
Both look to have the original upholstery which needs re-done. Due to the fact of having no over-head costs I want to reupholster these and find legs for the one without original legs. To bring them back to their original integrity
Does anyone know where I can find original legs? I also want to know if anyone has had any experience working with knoll and getting items reupholstered. I am currently finishing up my senior year of ID school so this may not happen right away due to cost, but I want to start planning!
Thanks in advance for any help 🙂 <img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wp
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