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Help me finish restoring my rope-edge Eames DAX  


Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 31
12/02/2016 12:10 am  

Hi everyone. I recently acquired a yellow rope-edge Eames DAX that had been painted THREE times. I stripped most of the paint off, but didn't completely finish because I noticed many of the fibers were coming out of the seat, arms, underneath the arms, etc. How do I finish the chair to make it once again usable and non-dangerous/itchy? I am wary to sand and apply Penetrol, but that seams like my only option right now. Thanks!
<img class="wpforo-default-image

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 2313
12/02/2016 12:53 am  

There may be some kind of "poultice" that might get more of the deeply imbedded paint out, but you'd need to consult a talented restorer or conservator. It's very possible that it will never come out completely.
As for the loose surface fibers, you're gonna have consolidate the surface somehow first, sand off the protruding fibers, then top-coat. This means a clear-coat of some kind. I'd avoid Penetrol and take it to an automotive body shop for their recommendation.

Trusted Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 63
16/02/2016 2:27 am  

I would take it to a place that makes fibreglass boats and have a talk to them about a clear coat.


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