Design Addict


I miss Aunt Mark

I miss Aunt Mark  


leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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15/05/2021 1:27 am  

Where is he?  If anybody knows, tell him hi.  I am guessing he would be horrified at the state of my footwear and the lack of pedicure, but he might appreciate the chair.  

tktoo2 liked
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15/05/2021 2:47 am  

@leif-ericson, Mark has slipped silently into our collective memories and I doubt that even he would judge us by our footwear - at least I hope he wouldn't - but a chair, you say?

Estimable Member
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25/05/2021 6:33 am  

i do hope that 'slipped into our collective memories' is not a euphemism and that he is simply no longer on the forum.

i have recently come back to designaddict and, while there are still many amazingly knowledgeable, dedicated and helpful people around, too many to mention individually, the sense of the community that was there before seems to have gone.

i really miss the old place and aunt mark was definitely part of what made it so great ... he is indeed sorely missed.



Illustrious Member
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Posts: 745
26/05/2021 7:20 pm  

@jonnym, I do like occasional appropriate euphemisms, but, in this case, maybe 'missing Auntie Mark' could stand in for reminiscing about the good old days when the DA forums were frequented by more friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful members? You know, like back when the site owners/moderators actually gave a damn.

In the meanwhile, I can hardly wait to start missing Andrewbot and their ilk. What a mess!


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