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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
15/12/2015 4:25 am  

Hell, The same George Jones that was married to Tammy Wynette?
"Two story house" was their best song. I sing it in the car. Any car.
Aunt M.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
15/12/2015 4:35 am  

Yep. George and Tammy Why-not.
Now we live----- in a two story house
Oh what splendor
But there is no love about
(AND…. George Jone's band has the most perverse steel guitar guy in the business. He outright WALLOWS in it.) It's shocking.)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
15/12/2015 4:51 am  

When I was a kid,I wanted my mother to look just like Tammy Wynette. Mother attended Pine Manor (one of the few words and/ or schools that are properly spoken with your teeth (and legs) clenched tightly together). Tammy who??, she'd bark. Enough said.
Aunt Mark
ps I like big hair.
ps you can also say "Calvin Klein" with your teeth clenched. Try it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
15/12/2015 4:52 am  

Well, it's not harpsichord music -- but Ah lak et, don't yew ? Slide steel is a wonderful sound.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
15/12/2015 5:09 am  

mind over manor
if you don't pine, it doesn't
matter. teeth are clenched
SDR you are right, but George's slide guy goes way off. Its like he is a parody of himself. Now I know you probably think ALL country music is like that, and it kind of is. But this guy is sick like a harpsichord.

Illustrious Member
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15/12/2015 5:14 am  

Now didn't they call Tammy "Possum" sometimes...Or was the Horhay?

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1366
15/12/2015 4:29 pm  

"Frito Ears".
You know, the great Southern California pop painter Edward Ruscha did a painting titled: "They Called Her Styrene".
Thats right up there with "Accidental Sideburns".
And "Possum".
EDIT: Full title of that last one was:
"I Don't Need No S- Silicones- Or Accidental Sideburns"
(The words are more than just titles. They ARE the painting.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
15/12/2015 10:57 pm  

Today I have the sliding glass doors open" full blast" listening to loud 20 year old cd's, and thinking about a pair of socks. I am.
10 % chance of rain today. Don't forget to feed the birds.
Aunt Mark, pleased to meet you.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4586
15/12/2015 11:41 pm  

It was a terrible speeding ticket. A safe 92mph in a 55 zone on I95. After dark. I was polite and dressed in pink. Ticket dismissed. I need to slow down. Lawyers. Hi, and Happy holidays.
Aunt Mark
ps I seldom sweat, and the more you cry, the less you pee. Celebrate the season.
(edit) I forgot to mention that I was in a construction zone. Jesus times two.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
16/12/2015 12:17 am  

a quick ***** ******* *****
A safe 92
jesus times two. and clenched teeth
Mark in the wagon
You remind me of an 18 year old kid I knew… His name was Tad. He would take small-town intersection turns in his car on just two wheels!
Of course he got nailed repeatedly by the cops, but was completely incredulous-- he couldn't understand why they even stopped him, since he insisted he was "in complete control" of his car. Two wheel turns had become so regular for him.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
16/12/2015 12:18 am  

^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
Four seventy five
hourly rate to the point
send the bill, my god.
ps Redistribution of wealth. I had my seatbelt on. Music was loud. Move on. Probably sober. Lucky. Pay Pay Pay. Irresponsible. Stoopid fast wagon. Hello. I'm stll here.
pss Female State Trooper actually clocked me (she thought) traveling a bit faster. My god. I was on my way home from my golf lesson! "Look at my shoe's", I said. She asked what my handicap was? I told her that I was socially retarded. I signed the ticket with my own ink pen, as she put hers into her mouth while thumbing through the ticket holder. She needed proper training, and probably got off on the "wrong exit" early in life. I liked her. Yup. Her name was Cindy.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
16/12/2015 12:26 am  

Sorry what I said
about socks 'n ankles 'n toes.
I really am, too.
Don't bite the hand that
needs you -- that feeds you, that's
never ever bit.
I got out of bed too early.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
16/12/2015 1:14 am  

&&&&& &&&&&&& &&&&&
Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite
Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite
Bite Bite BIte Bite Me.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
16/12/2015 1:46 am  

they used to call him
Eddie Russia in grad school
evil in LA
the double haiku
now SDR's main menu
evil in SF
a triple haiku
just for the two of you (and)
tammy frito ears

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
16/12/2015 1:58 am  

$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$
Swaddling fashion
away in an old manger
drive responsible.
In a huge hurry
to sit down and libate me
a happy hour.
Slow down, said Jesus
station change on radio
dip skull in water.
Aunt Mark

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