Design Addict


What are your estee...

What are your esteemed opinions on this?  


Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 667
13/05/2021 8:49 pm  

Hi all,

I spotted this on my 'travels' - I actually find it very appealing indeed. I'd not choose it on my Møllers but it is rather attractive in it's own right.

I'd love to know everyone's opinion on it! And by 'everyone', I could do without Andrew Flintoff's opinion unless he can come up with something sufficiently incorrect that it's entertaining.



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14/05/2021 3:19 am  

Ahem. My opinion, which is exclusively mine and no one else's, is that it cries for a cushion. Preferably a firm cushion in a solid, complimentary hue and in a not too textural fabric without excessive tufting. Ahem.

Seriously, the seating surface of the weave appears a bit recessed, no? I wouldn't want to discourage one's creativity of course, but I suspect most folks would be uncomfortable with their arses in a well whilst dining. But maybe not?

On the old DA Forum there was a running thread titled, "The Last Thing You Saw That Made You Say WTF?" This chair would have fit the theme perfectly.

Illustrious Member Moderator
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15/05/2021 9:48 pm  

tktoo2 put it better than I can. I kind of like the approach in a way. Nothing wrong with someone trying something new. But then again it makes me think of this:


"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

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Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 667
15/05/2021 11:27 pm  

It's funny, I too suggested to him it would be a better solution if you had a removeable cushion in the recess - it does look somewhat uncomfortable otherwise!

I messaged the seller and said I'd like to know the pattern if they had woven it themselves, but apparently it's as found. I'd like to see it used on an original design, my ongoing daydream is that I might design a Møller styled constructed chair and I wouldn't mind employing this as a differentiator!

It's completely inauthentic here, but I thought it was quite appealling - and I won't let a twee cardigan advert dissuade me! Okay, I take it back, maybe the cardigan advert can...



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16/05/2021 7:35 pm  

My first impression was, 'Now there's a chair that leaves a lasting impression!'

Kyle Barrett and lexi liked
Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 667
16/05/2021 8:15 pm  

@tktoo2 I could buy one, test the theory and share pictures? We have been looking for a way to encourage better moderative action on the forum, but perhaps that's an extreme litmus test...

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16/05/2021 8:25 pm  

@kyle-barrett, There's an old canoeist on a paddling forum I used to frequent that went by "Wickerbutt".

Thankfully, he never posted selfies.


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