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vintage Bertoia Sid...

vintage Bertoia Side Chairs.Fake or not ?  


Active Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 12
22/11/2009 6:24 pm  

Hi All,

i recently picked up a set of vintage side chairs which i was told dated from 60's-70's.The condition is consistent with being fairly old.

On close inspection though there are some differences in the seat part.
At the bottom edge of the seat, 3 chairs have the rods on the underside.
Yet 3 chairs have the metal rods on the top.ive attached someone else's photo from another thread to illustrate (photo 2)

But as far as i can gather, contemporary Knoll chairs have them on the underside.

All of the chairs seem to have aged similarly & all the hardwear is in the same (knackered) condition so I'm guessing that the chairs were originally purchased together.

So, do you think I've a set of vintage fakes ? all the dimensions indicate they are real though.

Apologies for lack of photos but my camera is busted, but hopefully you'll get the gist.

As always, your help is very much appreciated.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 984
22/11/2009 6:40 pm  

I doubt fake.
The story seems true. The condition certainly dates it.
(i have no idea about the vintage structure of these chairs)
But why i responded?...Nice photos!


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