Design Addict


trading online  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
22/03/2006 2:03 am  

Does anyone have good advice for trading items online? I may be doing this soon and I want to know the safest, most fair way to do this. Of course I don't expect someone to send their item first just as they wouldn't expect me to. What is a good way to do this?

Prominent Member
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Posts: 179
22/03/2006 3:05 am  

i would start conducting business with reputable dealers and fellow designaddict members.. most dealers are quite happy to deal in trades ..

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
22/03/2006 4:21 am  

I guess I should clarify. I...
I guess I should clarify. I have a trade about to happen. What is the best way to do this safely/fairly?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
22/03/2006 11:48 am  

Not all
Design Addict visitors are honest you know! I have been lied to a few times about pieces that people are "supposed"to have for sale,and scammed twice to date!.Its a fine line between trusting and being sceptical for me im afraid.Just be careful out there!!

Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 73
22/03/2006 1:54 pm  

online tradin and new frontier
Way back in the olde west ho, former pilgrims and adventurers had to go through all kind of risky situations not only to get a fair deal but to stay alive. With internet trading you might get ripped off, but hardly threatened to death by undelicate sellers...
The main idea is to clarify the transaction as much as possible, considering the payement,(before, or on receipt of the marchandise), considering the value of the good, ask guarantee plus extra pictures if needed, considering the delivery ask for the proper weight and traveling conditions plus delay (custom documents if required). You can be insured too. Please do not hesitate to mail exchange with the seller, the way he replies gives you a good indication of its potential reliability. As i am concerned, my late 50 internet transactions with worlwide purchasers scores 100% satisfactory, with integral payment, no loss, no disclaim. Ask me about grading internet trade i will give an A+ sofar. Be confident and try at least once.

Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 179
22/03/2006 4:17 pm  

.pretty simple.
you have to have trust in the person you are trading with.
figure out what you are trading, have it in writing in an email so you have options if the deal does not go through as you would like, and discuss your options if the transaction does not go as you or he (she ) would like. or if the goods are not as described. also, if money is involved, pay by paypay or another method that allows you to take your money back so you can get out of a shady deal.
most people are honest and 99 per cent of the time you will not have problems..
good luck.

Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 73
22/03/2006 4:38 pm  

misunderstanding again
Hope you will forgive me for misunderstanding your request you wrote
trading online, i understood selling on line. Problem with trading is a question of being honest all the way.
Imagine you wanna trade a Van der Rohe Barcelona single armchair, vintage black leather vs a Rietveld zigzag chair. You send first your armchair to your trader who receives it fine, but feels unsatisfied by what he considers as a pretty bad shape for a barcelona chair.
Therefore he, who was supposed to send you the zigzag chair item has not done it and refuses to deliverit to you. What can you do?
Not much .
Trading worked fine with the kula ring in the pacifical island to exchange goods in excess versus living good islanders cannot get otherwise. When it comes to design, which is not a matter of life and death merchandise, the trading can be hazardous.
The money garantee) is according to my opinion the best way to determine the value of an item considering that you will get for what you've paid. Then why not selling your item back?
The combination probability for matching two (honest)traders is more difficult to find than buying and selling to anyone who would be interested, on a virtual auction market (if you know what i mean). There is a confusion in people's mind with the finality of trading.
Exchanging things without money is often more complicated than an exchanging on a donation base, which therefore does not implicate a money background.
to make it simple: apply for a donation for what you are looking for, or auction the all thing on e-...

Prominent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 160
22/03/2006 6:24 pm  

use E-Bay ratings if available
i've had the same concerns in the past. on one occ'n when i traded w/someone via the classified ads of this site, i asked my potential trading partner whether he sold / bought on eBay. it turned out that we both did, and we both had positive ratings on eBay. that made the otherwise sketchy trade a bit more firm, from both our perspectives


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