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The tiny armadas an...

The tiny armadas and their agenda  

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Illustrious Member
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05/12/2011 3:41 am  

Just so we're clear, they're dealing in reproductions; knockoffs to the astute collector. So their viewpoints are only natural, that considered.
Are you listening, SDR? Perhaps you should re-examine your comment in the linked thread below...
And here's a link to one of their listings...
Photos seem familiar, eh?

Famed Member
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05/12/2011 5:44 am  

Oh please...
Read the ebay listing - we had them made up for us and to recover the cost we had extra made.
Did you notice our thread on D.A. was done on 6 October, and it is now 4 December? It has taken us two months to get the rest of the runners completed.
Hardly a commercial enterprise my dear. If it was, hundreds would have been made.
Of course the photos are near the same - what do you do, move your RAR around every weekend?
Soon we will open up factories in China...

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2011 6:01 am  

Hundreds may well have been made...
How are we to know?
Anyways, not really interested in a back and forth with you lot...
You're selling fakes. Renders pretty much anything you say moot.
End of.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2011 6:03 am  

As an aside...
My post third from last in the linked thread above was pretty telling, wasn't it.

Famed Member
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05/12/2011 6:11 am  

ha ha
I have got to laugh.
You can go piss all over modernesia if you want - because he actually sells fakes and calls them real.
And we get hit up for selling some remaining birch runners because no one else can be bothered to make them?
Go piss on someone else. It would be a fair hit if I was making walnut or maple - but then, I wouldn't because there would be no point.
Not that the last two posters would even understand someone else's point of view - because you two are just so right about everything.
You last two posters are interested in one thing only - conflict. I doubt you share your views with the current producers of pieces that are knocked off - or perhaps you can share on this thread your letters to those companies showing your "genuine" concern.
But I am not biting - you started this thread and you had one thing in mind - *&%$ talking people down - it what you do most often - but terribly poorly.
And thanks for the big mention on DA, you literally sold out all my runners I was selling in less than a few hours to recoup my restoration costs on my original RARs and the cost for the set we use.
Thanks boys. And I do mean BOYS.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2011 6:16 am  

Only two posters in this thread so far, kids...
Or three maybe I guess.
But the point is your guys' viewpoints are now null and void on this forum. You have an interest in fakes. You act like twats anytime anyone says anything negative about fakes because you sell fakes. Get it?
So stop it already...

Famed Member
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05/12/2011 6:20 am  

To lunchbox and his split ego
Definition of FAKE:
Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent.
1. One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham.
2. Sports A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team.
v. faked, fak·ing, fakes
1. To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit.
2. To simulate; feign.
3. Music To improvise (a passage).
4. Sports To deceive (an opponent) with a fake. Often used with out.
People who advertise restoration openly are not liars. I get the idea Lunchbox you have passed off many many items you have given a lick and a promise to as original.
Many a study has shown those that pointing the finger often have the real problem of pointing it in at themselves. Go ahead and tell me in all your years you ahve been totally above board. You seem to like finding points (that are not valid) and then thrusting that point to the Zenith - often about reproductions & restoration.
Your not fooling anyone, Lunchbox. And while 5 people will jump to your defense on this forum, there are 100 people reading this that will not comment and get drawn into your late-night bashing, but know what you actually are.
Your 100% legit? Yeah, right...

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2011 6:28 am  

My conscience is clear...
My reputation is nothing if not honest. Many on this forum would attest to that. Hell, I've emailed Herman Miller just to blast them about their shambolic current productions of George Nelson designs. I leave no stone unturned.
Try as you may you won't make this thread about me. The point is made.

Famed Member
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05/12/2011 6:30 am  

It certainly has

Famed Member
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05/12/2011 6:49 am  

Lunchbox's actual words
Here are words from LUNCHBOXs items for sale right now on ebay: (these are from the guy who hates restorations and fakes/replacements FYI):
"Glides look to be replacements. Lovely example of an iconic design."
"a possible repair to the back tip of one of the runners which is only mentioned in the interest of honest disclosure."
"Struts are solid and straight. Only issue is with the runners which could possibly use a refinish and/or dutchman repair to one end."
"These issues could all be remedied by a proper woodworker however."
"There is a repair to the front lip of the chair which looks to be well done."
"And secondly, the runners are EXTREMELY weathered and one is missing a decent portion which will need to be fabricated/replaced."
So let me get this straight lunchbox, you preach but you don't teach.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2011 6:54 am  

So I'm responsible for everything that's happened to a piece of furniture over twice my age? Right... If I were dishonest, I wouldn't even mention any of that stuff, geniuses. Thanks for the vote of confidence though.

Famed Member
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05/12/2011 7:41 am  

You're welcome
I like your stuff Lunchbox, but why you keep leveling people who want to put on a lick of paint or replace something and scream at them about it, baffles me.
You are selling stuff and saying that your customers can repair it. your buying stuff that is damaged or repaired and then reselling it.
So why hit on people here that do that? And who are honest about it? Seems two faced - to me.

Reputable Member
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05/12/2011 7:55 am  

Just a clarification
Not trying to start any sh#$, but I just found this statment odd...
"Go piss on someone else. It would be a fair hit if I was making walnut or maple - but then, I wouldn't because there would be no point."
So are YOU making them, or is a Master Craftsman making them?
Also, assuming that the production costs are the same for the extra runners as they are for your pair, and you're only asking $85 for the extras, how much of a cost do you really need to recoup?
It just seems like there is more to the story. Maybe I'm just confused and if I am, I apologize.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2011 8:03 am  

Here's the thing, armadas...
I don't think you're all bad. I think you're green and damned touchy. But you've obviously got ALOT of passion which is a very good thing. Means you give a damn. But don't go shooting the messenger when they're trying to learn you something.
There's really nothing wrong with replacing a set of runners, repairing the original set and putting them in storage. But that doesn't mean others won't think it's a bit manic. I'm damn manic and even I think that's manic. But the point is that doesn't mean it's the proper thing to do in general.
If I'm going to keep something, I do what I want with it. That means it gets whatever treatment is necessary for it to maintain functionality and form whilst altering originality to the least degree. If I'm going to sell something I leave it alone and let the next guy/lass decide what they want to do with it.
So alls I'm saying is take it easy, alright? You have a wealth of knowledge here. And I for one am happy to see some new blood now and then who give a shite. But if you're going to pay attention to every little nuance or require notarized literature for every little nuance, perhaps you should be a bit more discerning yourself?
Just trust what the natives say. Lord knows we're critical enough around here. No one's going to provide anything other than honest, researched truth. The delivery may be harsh. But in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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05/12/2011 8:10 am  

I agree that there might be more to it...
And I'd love for them to come clean, whether there is or isn't.
But I'm drunk. And that can go either way. But at the moment, I'm a being more than a bit understanding by all rights I think.
But I'm drunk. So I'm hardly the person to make that call.

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