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Sofas for Taller Pe...

Sofas for Taller People?  


Thomas Carroll
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25/03/2017 4:25 am  

Illustrious Member
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25/03/2017 2:12 pm  

Hello Thomas.

Mies Van der row made a nicely proportioned sofa for the full scale human. Google images of the beast and admire the black leather model with the wooden "sled" legs. A very impressive piece. Another option is to have your legs shortened, a mid ankle amputation would look best, and you would save a fortune in shoe expense. Ultimately, a custom made sofa would probably make the most sense.


Aunt Mark, 5'10"

Illustrious Member
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25/03/2017 2:23 pm  

Sofas come in a wide variety of seat depths these days. Seat height is more standard but you'll find some range there too. Back height can be very low to quite high. There's also the firmness factor. What one tall guy finds comfortable might not suit another at all, it really depends on more than just height. You should just go to a bunch of furniture stores and sit on a lot of different sofas. You might be surprised.

I have two friends who own a shop; one is 5' and the other is 6'3". I'm right in the middle. We test out all the chairs and sofas that they get and then discuss the comfort level and try to analyze what is is that makes the thing work or not. Quite often I'll sit on something and declare that it's made for a tall person, then my 5' friend finds it very comfortable! The only way to know is to try stuff out yourself.

Thomas Carroll
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Posts: 2
17/04/2017 12:21 am  

Aunt Mark,

I'm leaning towards amputation, but in the off-chance I change my mind would you happen to have a link or know the model of the Mies Van der row sofa?


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