Design Addict


searching for right...

searching for right design school  


New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
05/02/2007 4:48 pm  

hi to all u,
im an ex architecture student..ja, i havent finished the im on an interior design school...but it turned out that they were giving just promises...last year i was searching a lot for a good interior design school...but i can say that i couldnt find any good sth that would tell me which school is the top this moment...can u please help me...i love design...interior and industrial especialy...i want to develop more...and doesnt metter where the school not limited...
thanks!!!love ya

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 277
05/02/2007 6:20 pm  

just do it
sure education is important but just by going to the best designschool in the world won't make you a good designer. even more; if you leave school you'll see that all you have learned is just a glimp of what you will learn just by doing it. So if you are not limited by finances or time; educate yourself; this meaning; buy some books on design and designhistory, follow some drawing lessons, buy a 3d cad program (and follow some courses by the supplier), then just start designing some stuff, put it on a website and try to find companies that are willing to produce it or produce it yourself in small quantities. examples; toyo ito, ron arad, ... . also have in mind that going to school is one thing more important is what you yourself are getting out of it. eg my ex-school is not loved and surely not highly recommended by some exstudents, personally i found it a wonderfull school with some great passionate teachers (and some not really qualified), although the level of eductaion was not very high and i easily passed all exams with high grades, next to this school i followed other courses and learned on my own. to tell a anecdote; in my last year i was doing my final examproject and each student had a 'promotor'; a teacher who helped you with it; after 3 months he said; do whatever you like i am not able anymore to help you, you know more about i then me. the one thing that i do learned there is if you want to become a designer you must be passionate about it.


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