I want to ask you for a confirmation or identifaction.
I know there is already a thread about that chair if it is designed by Tapiovaara or Austrian architect Roland Rainer.
For sure it is not Tapiovaara!
Dorotheum says it is Ronald Rainer:
But I do not find any confirmation , a photo or a catalog if it is really Roland Rainer.
Attached is a picture with a stamp on the bottom of the chair with the manufacturer date "26.April 1965" and a logo "2K". Does anybody of you know this stamp?
Some attribution says that is was manufactured by Thonet bit I never saw a Thonet logo on that chair.
Or maybe the chair was manufactured in ex Yugoslavia?
Any hints or confirmation photos are appreciated.<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/GCI1J7-eTj_cH5fSGNZAk
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