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redoing gio ponti c...

redoing gio ponti chairs  


Reputable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 105
01/08/2014 6:17 am  

I'm redoing some Gio Ponti style chairs from a black plastic cord to red cord. I thought the lightness of the frame worked well with a simple weave. Having trouble finding a knot that works to keep the tension on the last wrap. Any sailors know a knot that would work well? You can see the spot on the last image where its tied to the back post for now. Thanks in advance!

<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachm

Illustrious Member
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01/08/2014 6:44 am  

Clove Hitch.
There will be some initial slippage, but it is adjustable. Leave it and use as is until what you've got has fully stretched after a good period under stress, re-tighten and secure the end to the seat rail with a clove hitch. Leave the tail long until all has settled to your satisfaction before trimming excess.
Edit: Red is a great look on that chair, BTW!

Estimable Member
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Posts: 97
01/08/2014 8:50 am  

The red
looks good but you need to weave in the other direction first, for strength. What do they call that, 'weft' ?? Anyway it's obvious by the ghost marks on the front bar it was once woven that way. Just do it right and it wont stretch so much. And, the final knot, will matter not.
Good luck.

Reputable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 105
01/08/2014 9:11 am  

Ah yes the clover hitch looks...
Ah yes the clove hitch looks just like what I need. Thank you. There is definitely going to be some stretch but I'm fine with adjusting them later. I wanted this weave as opposed to the 2 cord weft and warp and its strong cord so they should be fine.


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