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pick my credenza, b...

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Illustrious Member
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07/04/2011 10:56 am  


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07/04/2011 6:45 pm  

I'm old enough to recognize the dangers of hoisting a few with a fellow Chuck Jones fan.
Sure... these evenings always begin innocently enough, but inevitably deteriorate into drunken medleys of "I'm Just Wild About Harry", "Hello Ma Baby", "The Michigan Rag", and "Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone".
I'm just not sure if I'm willing the inflict this on the denizens of New York, again.

Illustrious Member
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07/04/2011 8:42 pm  

Well we could be civilized about it all and drink martini's while watching Bugs torture Daffy in 'Pronoun Trouble' or 'Rabbit Seasoning'....but I know what you mean.
Not that this is much about a credenza...but I'll take the tenuous connection to TV and ask how many others are unabashed cartoon/animation nuts?

Noble Member
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08/04/2011 7:41 am  

im a huge cartoon junkie....a sucker for anything prewar{definitely music included,whole second room is vinyl 45's, LPs, 78's. the floor is sagging!}i.e. Fleischer, Iwerks etc.....but i also get into the WB, Popeye, Felix etc stuff as well, the weirder the better.....ive found that dollar stores can be treasure troves for weird random dvds for dirt cheap...ive been accused of being rather "toonish" and "animated" myself i.e. my Chaplin-esque walk, caused by my off center kneecaps....aaannnywhooo

Illustrious Member
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08/04/2011 7:55 am  

I only watch Jan Svankmajer...
I only watch Jan Svankmajer animations on a super 8 projector at Marks house, Niceguy supplies the booze.
Jokes, no really, did you have dodgy legs too? I had to wear callipers until I was about 4 because my legs came out all wrong (thanks Mum/Dad), my legs are now especially straight but I think thats thanks to the peddle car my Dad made for me, I used to park it next to my bed in the house my folks built in Rhodesia, it was two large circular thatched roof rooms linked by a rectangular hall that had the kitchen in it, sort of patio between, imagine a floor plan like pair of sunglasses. One of my first memories is falling out of bed onto peddle car.
Why am I typing this, drunk and bored! I can make cheese sauce 🙂
and now I'm going to have a nice long nap, its midday and just cool enough for a nice thick blanket.mmmmmmmmmmmmmm everything so nice.

Illustrious Member
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08/04/2011 9:07 am  

Have you read "Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight"? It's a memoir of growing up in Africa, I think part of the time in Rhodesia. Maybe. Great book.
I love old cartoons. Can't stand computer animation (though the Toy Story movies are great, but that's in spite of the computer animation). I especially love the use of classical music in the oldies. It's all just so...I dunno. Perfect?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
08/04/2011 11:27 am  

That looks like a good read...
That looks like a good read Spanky, some of the stuff I remember would scare the shit out of a parent now.
Sorry Whitespike wine glut huh, post some pictures when its installed? Don't you have taxi pick up trucks there?

shipwright (UK)
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08/04/2011 4:50 pm  

like matty i also meant C!!

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