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Illustrious Member
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16/09/2012 10:15 am  

Nice, Riki.
If you like you may refer to your gear molds as "patterns." For those not familiar with the industry, a patternmaker (a largely obsolete craft) makes wooden replicas of machine parts, etc, that will be cast, usually in iron or other metals, in a mold made of sand or similar sacrificial granular material. Some of these patterns are huge -- think of a locomotive drive wheel, for instance.

Illustrious Member
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16/09/2012 11:19 am  

bizarre obsession
Although "a little goes a long way", I do appreciate your La Gardo Tackett, Egghead condom holders for Schmid. Also, your Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Radiofonografo RR 126 for Brionvega is very special.
My favorite (it took a while to find a unit in mint condition) is the Mario Bellini, Cuboglass television with case for Brionvega.

Illustrious Member
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16/09/2012 7:42 pm  

Niceguy, why don't you ever p...
Niceguy, why don't you ever post pictures of all your wonderful things?

Illustrious Member
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16/09/2012 8:11 pm  

I could never pick just one,
so I'll start with this, which is a framed original of a comic that my big brother did for Art Police comics in the 70s or 80s. I have always been in awe of his talent. (I have two of these and the detail shot is from the other one, I think.)
It's not really MCM but he was born in 1952, so. Also, he probably was sitting in the Paul McCobb Maple Arm Chair for the Planner Group that he got from our parents house when he drew it, so, double so.

Illustrious Member
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17/09/2012 1:15 am  

good question
That is a reasonable question and it deserves an answer.
While it is true that I do keep an extensive photo and paper (invoices) file of the items in my collection, I have never found it necessary to "prove" to anyone the exact nature of my holdings. Should a person or persons elect to believe that I am fabricating any or all of what I say this is their right.
I appreciate your question and I trust that I have answered it to your satisfaction.
Once again, I like your Tackett pieces for Schmid and your Brionvega audio.

Illustrious Member
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17/09/2012 1:24 am  

comic art
I truly like your pieces by your very talented brother. You are fortunate to have these in your collection.
I too, enjoy and collect a limited amount of this type of art. With a few exceptions I have always found that this venue is a reasonable way to acquire original art at decent pricing (generally the framing cost exceeds the cost of the comics).
For some unkown reason a large number of retired comic artist (newspaper dailies) live in Sarasota, Florida. This is a wonderful area to acquire these pieces.

Illustrious Member
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17/09/2012 1:41 am  

Spanky, the
best stuff is always that which has a personal connection, so I know your brother's pieces must make you smile whenever you look at them. I wish my two sisters were as talented--so far the best thing I've gleaned from the two of them is a great recipe for Chinese Pepper Steak.
SDR--these three patterns were purchased at the Lille Braderie and they are kind of plain. I've got some really cool, intricate ones in my South Carolina house that came out of an old paper mill. Old cotton and paper mill parts and pieces are thick on the ground in the rural south.
Niceguy, I actually think you are Brad Pitt in real life, so I completely understand why you don't want to post pix on here.

Illustrious Member
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17/09/2012 2:45 am  


Illustrious Member
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17/09/2012 2:47 am  

I seem to remember
I believe that you once mentioned that you were in the book business.
Ever since I was wondering around SoHo a few years ago and visited the Taschen store and saw the The Godfather Family Album signed limited edition and subsequently received it as a Christams gift I have been hooked. It did not take long to find the better Aperture, Assouline, Genesis Publications and Phaidon books. If that was not bad enough I stopped by Luminaire in Chicago and discovered Visionaire (these too became Christmas and birthday gifts).
This is almost a bottomless pit of acquisitions. As I buy right, the worst that can happen is my friends are entertained while I cook and/or I actually learn something new.
Since your interest seem to be wide and varied and you are a great deal closer to Göppingen in Baden-Wurttemberg have you ever considered purchasing a Märklin Gauge 1 "live steam" (they are not able to import them into the US for liabilty reasons) garden railroad for your husband. All "big boys" like trains.
It is because your interest are not so very narrow that I always enjoy your postings.

Illustrious Member
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17/09/2012 6:20 am  

Oh, Mark!
I wasn't quick enough to see your remarks before you axed them. Damn!
Niceguy, you are unusually deft in your admiration, if I may call it that. Also, I don't think much of anyone here wants to see proof of anything, just that we really enjoy sharing.
Riki, Chinese pepper steak has its own merits for sure! My sister's vanilla kipfel are right up there with my brother's art (and my other brother's music, and my other other brother' me a minute...)

Illustrious Member
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17/09/2012 10:46 pm  

See what happens,
I go out for a day on an antique-ing mission and Mark posts something really bad and I miss it.
Niceguy, or Brad, or whoever you are, you are so right: Taschen and Phaidon are complete porn.
As far as the riding train, Mr. Big has an American-sized body and not a Euro-sized body, so I fear that is not in the cards until he drops a few kilos. Or thirty.

Illustrious Member
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18/09/2012 12:12 am  


Illustrious Member
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18/09/2012 12:22 am  


Eminent Member
Joined: 12 years ago
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18/09/2012 6:48 am  

I would be grateful for input as to whether it's thought to be OK to post paintings on this thread.
I have two actual John Singer Sargent watercolor sketches which are by far my most compelling and beloved possessions, but of course they are not design (they are informal portraits, very informal).

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
18/09/2012 7:37 am  

Let's see them 🙂 No...
Let's see them 🙂 No prohibition on art that I know of.

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