Design Addict


The path I've striv...

The path I've strived for is dazed in a fog  


New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3
31/07/2007 2:36 am  

As a senior in high school and a considerable amount of knowledge in the field of animation using instuctional books like 3d modeling and texture maping, and advanced programs like blender. Yet I still am unaware of any kind of 5 year plan, what path should I take to ensure success? I have no doubt that my ambition is set high, but are people whom end up making history in the field of CG design just the ones who get lucky?

p.s. here is the site for downloading blender (its free) and tuturials can be found on

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
31/07/2007 3:19 am  

I will tell you like i tell my own kids Education is the name of the game with out it you can not go to far . There are always those that get lucky and get the break of the lifetime but they are far and to few between .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
31/07/2007 4:51 am  

gosh I feel old but I think...
gosh I feel old but I think I have something to contribute. I'm studying multimedia (flash 3 d max etc etc) in a class full of people not much older than you, what they really lack is an understanding of principles, in that industry it is all training and no education, they can not grasp complex ideas and if they don't understand even the basics of 20th Century design its impossible to articulate a concept to them by making even the most basic of referances. I would advise know your history! From constructivism to William Morris and you will bring aesthetics and styles to a project that colleagues can't even concieve of. It will be an inspiration.
For years I worked hands on with furniture design and manufacture, it helps so much. Do you do any scratch building of models and stop motion photography? King Kong was made using heaps of models, I saw a doco on it and people looked like they were having much more fun than if they had been slumped in front of a workstation.
Which I'm sick of now!


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