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opinions on this ho...

opinions on this home  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
09/10/2008 2:04 am  

The wife and I are starting to get house fever. WHat do you think of this one?

We like it, save for the curb appeal. The house is at the top of my budget, so what would be some easy fixes, besides the obvious need to landscape?

I don't know if I like that weird fence in front of the door - perhaps a shoji type screen or verticle slats, or nothing. I wish the windows to the side were horizontal. I'm not sure about the garage treatment either. WHat do you think of the stone? The inside is nice!

Thanks for your input!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
09/10/2008 2:08 am  

Link, my friend...
otherwise we're left to the imagination...

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3499
09/10/2008 2:10 am  

Olive, I'm sorry. I forgot to take my smart pill this morning.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
09/10/2008 3:59 am  

It's lovely.
Make sure it's water tight, the roof is good, etc., but it's downright swell.
How are the floors?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
09/10/2008 4:05 am  

The floors are finished...
The floors are finished concrete. How would you change the front a bit with a (very) little $$$?

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 370
09/10/2008 5:19 am  

Vertical slats would be good-looking & easy
I imagine evenly-spaced vertical 'slats' like the existing six taller skinny ones (akin to vertical blinds in the "open" position), finished on the top with a rail, then stopping 6-10" inches from the ground and finished with another rail. Sleek, cheap, and easy.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
09/10/2008 5:22 am  

I would just get rid of that weird fence thing.

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 370
09/10/2008 5:29 am  

I suspect that those three columns are structural,
so, without the weird fence thing, you'd be left with three stalky columns.
The solution's to make it a good-looking fence thing.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
09/10/2008 5:37 am  

Don't know if you've noticed, but...
but the world economy is imploding.
Might want to wait awhile.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
09/10/2008 8:16 am  

We've yet to buy, Jake....
We've yet to buy, Jake. Waiting on the spastics to ensure the walls fall. Might indeed be worth waiting.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
09/10/2008 8:37 am  

I love the front fence in front of the door
and it looks original to me.
If the floor are raw contrete, then you're lucky to have carpet. You could also install real wood on top of the concrete, or my favorite, cork. (Of course, cork needs to me sealed and it require maintance, but it's beautiful looking, soft underfoot, and completely appropriate for a 1961 house.)
My house (built in the 1920's, but reamed out in the early 1980's and bumped out too) has wall to wall greyish carpet, which I'm living with. It's not my choice, but I'm not one to tear up floring that seems to work, despite my ultimate personal taste.
I like your house alot.

Prominent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 181
09/10/2008 10:44 am  

man oh man...
I could only dream of owning a house with that style in my neighborhood...And for the price I'd buy two!
Nice looking mid century with lots of potential.
To bad that it has already been rehabed, if was likly a lot less before all the work was done.
Good luck with your home fever, you might want to wait until Oboma loses then home prices will surely drop even more.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1397
09/10/2008 6:03 pm  

I feel something s wrong...
I feel something s wrong proportionally.
Roof seems to heavy, the use of wood isn't sophisticated enough (for me), it's stuck to the ground, doesn't elevate itself...
But don't let me rain or your parade! I'm sure with a bit of work it would look nice.

kdc (USA)
Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 184
09/10/2008 6:11 pm  

front entry
nice find.
the front area might be a good candidate for some concrete screen and maybe even a bit of metal. not long ago there was a thread about decorative concrete that you might want to revisit.
good luck!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 984
09/10/2008 9:06 pm  

I would research 'Two Blind Mice'
mentioned in the listing. Are they flippers?
Are they young and stylish flippers? I would look at other properties
they have done and maybe talk to owners.
Having polished concrete is a good thing. They are not hiding any problems
by covering it up with carpet etc. And healthier than cheap off-gassing
carpet. The fixtures are a bit Home Depot-ish. Easy to ignore with a good
collection of furnishings that i think you have?
Ikea isn't such a bad thing. Good quality for the money.
It is a great size! 4 bedroom/2 full baths. And seems like a good neighborhood
for a young family.
They could be doing a good service by fixing up these houses in need.
As long as you like their choices. And hopefully they updated correctly.
They can also get work done more efficiently by knowing contractors etc.
Sounds like the last thing you need on your plate is a 'fixer-upper'.
A little landscaping and correcting the entry isn't structural. Easy to fix later.
I do like a fenced entry divider. That one may be a bit heavy. Maybe horizontal?
A bit lower and a less heavy board? lots of choices.
I'm a new home owner so your hunt hits a note with me. It is exciting and horrifying.
Do a tight budget. Lots of hidden costs. We are in a financial meltdown in this country.
Any home purchase should be a minimum 10 year plan. And not thought of as an investment,
just a better quality of life choice.
Here is a recent blog from new homeowners...
(lots of them out there.)

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