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opinion on this sit...

opinion on this situation please ?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
01/12/2007 3:05 am  

I am not looking for sympathy here simply the opinion of people on the forum who care to share it.

Today I saw an art gallery in the USA who are having a show of an artist I really like,they were selling a piece by this artist for $700.I knew that the same piece was recently for sale in the Uk for £5000.

I rang expecting them to say it was a typo but they said that the three of four they had left were $700.I asked the girl was she sure of that as something similar was for sale in the UK for much more,she assured me it was correct.I agreed to buy 2 of the 3 and another piece which was at the same price as it had been in the UK.

I put down the phone and couldnt believe my luck so I rang back and asked a load more questions because they catalogued their pieces differently to the UK gallery.I then presumed either I was wrong or they were wrong but I knew something wasnt right and I was on to a great deal.

I then drove home and checked a forum where a few others had rang the gallery and all been told the price of 700 was correct.About 10 mins later I got a call from the gallery saying there was a mistake and the pieces were actually $10,000 each.We talked a bit and I asked them for a better deal on the cheaper print to soften the blow.They offered me 10% off everything plus free postage.

Now Im not going to pay 20k so they are saving 2k but I want the print for 480 and I think 48 off that isnt a lot considering what they stand to gain by me not buying the other 2 pieces.They have refused to budge from the $48 and I have said I will sleep on it and call them tomorrow.

My point really is this,do people here think that their offer is fair based on the circumstances ? would you accept it and move on.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
01/12/2007 4:32 am  

I would've bought it for $700.00
in a heartbeat.
Funny, you didn't mention the name of artist

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 472
01/12/2007 9:32 am  

1.Do you think they posted that price on purpose and when someone called they gladly gave 10% off.
2.Did you speak with the owner?
3.How much do you want the print and is that price(before the 10%) good or normal.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
01/12/2007 12:28 pm  

I believe it was an...
I believe it was an accident,they said they had serious problems and delays at customs then the grey area is that they blame someone for giving them the wrong price,whether that verbal or oral I dont know.
I really like the print for 480 so 48 plus postage is ok but overall I think its a very poor resolution to a problem that should have caused them slightly more concern.
Barry I did leave out the name on purpose and I would expect very few people here to know of him or even like him but I will post it when this is resolved as I want to mplay my cards close to my chest,I hope you can appreciate this.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
01/12/2007 12:30 pm  

I asked for him to ring me...
I asked for the owner to ring me but the manager rang instead.The owner apparently doesnt arrive at the gallery until today.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
01/12/2007 4:31 pm  

I hate to say. cause i ...
I hate to say. cause i am always about the deal
I just think they screwed up. it happens with your labor force or sales people, a lot of time the left never knows what the right is doing, lets say you learned the picture was 700 and they told you that price.
but if the price is in the thousands there cost would be at least 5 grand, and they will not take a hit like that, no way !!
They are not Target, Macys, Saks, or Bloomingdales they are a small gallery.
I hate to say suck it up and move on . it won't even be worth the phone call from Ireland as the manager is what he is, manages the place, and the owner sure won't take a hit, like that !! sorry i wish you could get the picture for that 700 price, but I know how some operate from making large purchases from art galleries and Antique stores and i don't think they were out to screw anyone. I just think they have some really STUPID people working for them.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
01/12/2007 5:08 pm  

Yeah,I know the 700-10K...
Yeah,I know the 700-10K thing is what it is,what I think though is their apology of 10% off a $480 print is a bit measly I think.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
01/12/2007 6:42 pm  

i agree should have let...
i agree should have let you have it for 400 and free shipping,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
05/12/2007 12:59 am  

Having worked in a gallery
Having worked in a gallery I've seen some of the seedier underbelly of art dealing. I wouldnt necessarily say that your gallery was engaging in bait and switch...but they certainly didnt do themselves any favors by repeatedly telling a wide range of customers the wrong price. If a client had ever come to me and said "oh...are you sure you shouldnt be charging MORE for this piece" I would have put them on hold and called the gallery owner to verify.

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 35
08/12/2007 12:16 pm  

who is the artist?
I know that depending on demand for works depends on how much they are selling for. I purchased a print that went up in price between communications because the artist had a major exhibition in a notable gallery and so therefore was worth more - should have got in that little bit earlier.....who is the artist?


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