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nelson bubble lamp ...

nelson bubble lamp salvage?  


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Posts: 3
17/07/2007 12:47 am  

The school where I work will be tearing down a 1950s auditorium to build a new building on the site. The old building houses 20 large cigar pendant Nelson bubble lamps that I can salvage if I am willing to climb a ladder and take them down myself. Some of the lamps are in great shape albeit dirty and a little yellowed. Others have tears in the shades. Are the vintage lamps as/more/less desirable than the reissues? Can the tears be repaired? I'm trying to decide if it's worth saving these little bits of history from the landfill.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 439
17/07/2007 12:59 am  

Not sure about the exact...
Not sure about the exact value, but I'm sure it would be worth your while. Sounds fantastic!
Even original lamps with small tears in the shades, sell for $100's on Ebay. If you have many of them, maybe you should try to sell some of them in groups of 3-5, which might attract someone who's decorating a larger space. 20 of them in one room sounds amazing, please take a picture first, before taking them down...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
17/07/2007 1:28 am  

i bought two originals seve...
i bought two originals several years ago and called modernica about trying to get them repaired They honestly told me they drop them in wire mold and they come out with the poly on them i asked if they could repair
them and in Modernica style said we
do not repair only sell brand new , I wish i could tell you how to salvage some into 6 or 7 perfect ones but there are always people on ebay who would rather have a old one wit the the holes than a new one .
I will say of all the new bubble lamps that have been reissued these Modericas have turned out the best !! NO ONE LOOKS DOWN AT them being reissued cause they are so difficult to repair . and every one loves the bubble lamps and knows the originals after time were yellow and shot full of holes .
It is always fun to find a original in really good shape but these re issues by Modernica are hard to beat and have been very accepted in the design community.


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