Design Addict


Lamp Finials.  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
10/04/2017 11:26 pm  

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1324
11/04/2017 4:05 am  

I used to have 2 cement turtles (from Mexico, I think) that were my first pets. They required MINIMAL attention (food, cleaning, etc.) as they were cement. I loved them. I wonder where they are? I am sure they still exist as they were CEMENT.

I love finials. I love lamps. I love lamp finials particularly. I pick up nice examples whenever I find them. They are just such a quiet detail.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
11/04/2017 5:12 pm  

I used to have those little red-eared slider turtles for pets---live baby ones---from Woolworth's for 79 cents each but they all died because duh, they're not meant to live in the salad bowls that Woolworth's sold for them. But now I'm (self-appointed) head water gardener for a large pond that is home to a population of living turtles that hang out there by choice, which kinda makes up for the Woolworth tragedy. No turtle finials, though. Used to have some turtle skeletons.

But anyway, yes--lamps! I always wanted nicer finials but never got around to doing anything about it. Until now! Thanks to Mark, I just bought some online. Thankfully my tastes run more to simple wood or metal geometric shapes that complicate my simple lamps and simple shades.

PS, i do have one nice finial; the one that is original to my sole Martz lamp. I'm glad I didn't have to get one of those, though I see there's someone on Etsy who sells nice repros.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
11/04/2017 5:30 pm  

Shucks spanky!

It's all in the details. I mean, look what happened to Liz Taylor! They had her sweet tooth made into 4 large lamp finials. It made all of the difference in the world! And don't get me started on Debbie Reynolds. What a mess. Probably smokers.


Aunt Mark

ps I shall search for my ivory turtle finials, put away after a friend was offended by them for being ivory. It's not easy. And absolutely, I'd wear a mink. Maybe dyed pink? But I digress.


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