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how do you report t...

how do you report these Ebay sellers  

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Joshua F (USA)
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25/07/2014 2:20 am  

Yeah because you know...
Yeah because you know everything she has is RARE

Illustrious Member
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25/07/2014 3:39 am  

From the content/tone of your posts I gather that your inventory and sales are pretty lackluster in comparison to the seller you are (presumably) jealously deriding?
Obviously this seller is doing something right as far as obtaining collectable goods that people desire and (apparently) making good money selling them. It is not true at all that the things offered "never sell", just look at the history. If patience can be afforded, higher prices can and likely will be realized. If nothing ever sold, the seller would work a different angle.
There are plenty of rich bastards (all of us here, actually, to some degree) who have the wherewithal to at least sometimes shop based on convenience and frivolous personal inclinations rather than price. So what? This is why I personally don't choose to buy much on ebay; my market tends to be elsewhere.
It's nothing to cry about.

Illustrious Member
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25/07/2014 3:53 am  

and what did you price that rocker at again?

Joshua F (USA)
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25/07/2014 11:43 am  

The Sky blue rocker she has is 5000.00 On a repro base
Light blue shells, sure contract and rarer than typical, but I see them in the 600 range by themselves. Like Green they were uncommon but not pre production rare.
75% of the product she get is off ebay. We see the auctions they come from. We sold some of them to her. it is pretty transparent.
Certain shells I recognize from damage and details... There is stuff she has had for about 2-3 years on there. Not jealous. Believe me. I would be embarrassed to sell like that. I have looked at the sold history. Mostly other things then shells are sold.
Sure people can be rich, and buy them all they want... so what, free market. No problem with it.
People buy on 1stdibs all day long, but does not mean they also have to pay double of even that to play her game.
Nothing in her listings is that difficult to come by if you look hard enough. Checkboard Girard shells are nice but not 5k nice. She bought three on ebay last year from one seller for 700 a shell.
She has four blue chairs up for 3799 or so. Two of which are blue armsehlls, Armshells I saw in person when the seller had them on CL for 900 for the 4. They are damaged, and that is why I did not buy them. But I suggested to the buyer he list them because 1000 or a little above was still a very fair price considering the color... and no one in my area would buy them for that price, so better to get a bigger market to see them. I felt for the guy and wanted to see him maximize his money realistically. Big chips out of the arms in the same spot prevent them from being worth much more. I told him what they were, the color and what they would probably sell for. He sold them to her within 50 bucks of my suggestion. Free market. All good.
But then sanding down the damage and putting on petantrol and and saying it is honest wear from sitting at a table in the description? Heh. Dealers want to sell product. I buy from dealers at full on retail when something I like comes up and I know they are up front about condition. I am not going to lie outright to get a 3 times market value though. That is what I have issue with. The lies coupled with the bat shit prices. One is enough.
I just find the practice distasteful since it does create a false market with the glut of stuff they have on there very week. People other than me have said it many times...I wont bother bringing it up again a I am beating a dead horse, but the more and more and more I see up online, it is hard to ignore.
Hey, I saw the topic and decide to vent again. Maybe had too much wine before I did, but to be fair I sincerely doubt anyone here has bought from those listings either.

Joshua F (USA)
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25/07/2014 12:15 pm  

I mean also keep in mind you...
I mean also keep in mind you are defending a seller who has an Eames rocker for $250,000 on Etsy. 😉
At some point you have to look at it and wonder wtf.

Illustrious Member
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25/07/2014 7:59 pm  

I wouldn't say defending as much as just accepting that certain things have to be tolerated, as despicable as they may be...
Conveniently for me, I don't have a bloodsucker in my area anywhere close to that level. I don't mean to give the impression that I can't theoretically enjoy the fantasy of imagining certain such bloodsuckers choking to death on their own money/greed.
but whaya gonna do

Illustrious Member
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25/07/2014 8:35 pm  

I have wondered
I have wondered if that seller puts those ridiculous and impossible asking prices up to make some of the other stuff look halfway reasonable. (Which it never is)
The stuff is usually terrible too.
I must say that I wholeheartedly agree with joshua F. about this seller. They are a total joke. Can anybody really be THAT clueless? They rarely sell anything.
So the hardest thing to understand is why do they persist with the hilarious prices? Maybe they just enjoy showing off what they have? But then half of it is obviously messed up, so that can't be it either.
It does seem to be an attempt to sell to a very casual participant, or first time buyer who has no limits.
(Kind of like when a rookie artist prices something for a million dollars thinking that will sell their lame painting.)

Illustrious Member
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25/07/2014 9:57 pm  

You've mistaken Joshua F for joshlamiel.
And I see no point whatsoever in defending that seller. They are ignorant, dishonest and greedy on a delusional level.

Illustrious Member
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25/07/2014 10:10 pm  

It's the trusty old sales tactic of: If at first it doesn't sell, raise the price.

Joshua F (USA)
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25/07/2014 10:10 pm  

Yeah, it is all good. I sort...
Yeah, it is all good. I sort of went ballistic in my initial post due to just discovering another auction where she basically doubled a price of a shell from what it was last month and felt like venting. I realize the world is full of far more important things, and in the grande scheme of thing, who cares what this seller does.
But then the red wine said naw, go ahead and vent. 😉

Illustrious Member
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25/07/2014 11:06 pm  

is correct that I mistook one Josh(ua) for another. Whoops!
Cursed fallibility!

Joshua F (USA)
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26/07/2014 1:32 am  

Heh, No, I am a lowly...
Heh, No, I am a lowly footwear designer, not a lawyer like the other Josh.

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