Dear friends,
I am in urgent need of help to authenticate this pk65 Kjærholm table that I have recently acquired. I know that it's a great risk to buy unlabeled/unmarked furniture but I have read somewhere that Kjærholm furniture (during a certain period) was produced unlabeled/unmarked (or was this just the chairs?). Furthermore, I have not been able to locate any replicas of the PK65-model (although a replica pk61 is not difficult to find). I would appreciate any help I can get. Please find embedded photos of the table
Much appreciated,

Thank you Leif. Of course you are right but as I am a novice the marking is kind of what I've got. Moreover, faking a label/marking is illegal, producing a replica is not (anymore). So don't think there are two many replica tables with fake markings out there. Do you have any tips for what I want to look for?
Hi Carl. What you need to do is to find good, detailed pictures of a marked table on internet and compare with yours. Start with general things like dimensions and then go down to the details like type of screws used, etc.
Try to find a few different sources just to be sure.
From what I have seen a Kold Christiansen table should be marked but the production has been taken over by Fritz Hansen at some point. I don’t know how it is marked in that case.
@carl-cedraeusgmail-com Sorry to to interrupt the fun, but our dear Doctor has proven himself over many years here to be anything but ignorant. In fact he's always been quite helpful ...and never rude.
Hi Carl. I am very sorry you did not like my answer. I am not too sure in which way it can be considered as ignorant though.
More often that not, many people posting here are just looking for immediate and definitive answers without doing their homework. It seems it is not the case for you. I was just trying to help with some design ID 101...
Anyway, I feel really bad for you that you have doubts about the authenticity of a piece you just acquired. These Kjaerholm pieces usually don’t come cheap.
I am really really sorry. There has been a mixup. My response was not meant for you but to @leif ericson. Your answer was more than helpful and my response to your reply (see embedded) has for some reason not been moderated yet. I think that is why you thought my repsonse to ericson was ment for you, and I thought ericson was u. I am truly sorry about this DrPoulet! I hope you do forgive me!

Furhtermore I followed your advise and made some comparables. I found pictures of replica on the web and compared them to the real deal. As you can see, the edges of the replica are not milled as are the ones on the real deal. I think this is because the operation is expensive. Similar differences can be noticed on the Beroita wire chair replicas where the wires are placed underneath the fram on top of the chair. On the real deal they are placed on top of the frame and because of this they have to be grounded down in order not to hurt the person sitting on the chair. I will now try and find more information on the nuts.

I wouldn't focus on whether or not edges have been chamfered so much as overall fit and finish as well as dimensions. One detail I'd want to inspect is the central joint between the two horizontal rails. I believe it should be fastened by a screw through the underside and should be very rigid due to tight manufacturing tolerances (fit).
FWIW, this site is full of quirks and so are a few of its regular members. We get cranky sometimes, but doesn't everyone from time-to-time? I won't speak for Leif, but he does live in an area that's been particularly hard hit by the pandemic lately. Typically, he's very knowledgeable and helpful, and reliably so.
Isn’t it fascinating that when the OP started looking at details of how the pieces is made he started making some progress on identification? That was such a brilliant approach. I also recommended looking at details of how it is assembled. This needs to be a case of the whole story of the piece. I think the chamfered edges of the steel frame are probably a very worthy part of the story. But these are very ignorant opinions.
I like Kjærholm pieces more than any other metal furniture I’ve seen but don’t really love metal furniture so I don’t know how to point out the significant characteristics of a Kjærholm jut like that. Oh so ignorant. But I do know a little about marking in the danish furniture business and a little about how to figure out how to identify things you’ve never identified before. I am certain that I am thoroughly ignorant so I am glad you recognize that in a fellow ignoramus. I am impressed with your ability to apply ‘beginner’s mind’ so broadly. The see all problems as though you have no foreknowledge is a wonderful learning tool. I actually look for that blessing every day but you seem to find it everyday, which is the larger blessing. I know I must stop looking to find. For the true way to find what you are looking for is not to know what you are looking for and then everything is a finding and everything is equally the unknown thing. Thus the philosopher king sees the not-Mark within the not-Mark and and the ignoramus the everything within the nothing.
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