Design Addict


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06/09/2009 1:48 am  

I to have had a run in with the duo, I am an old school dealer and there is one simple rule do not mess with another dealers income. Simple. Selling and researching mid century furniture is an absolute joy and this has been ruined in the past by them. I would like to add my support to any sort of action.

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06/09/2009 2:10 am  

It is...and it's a pleasure t...
It is...and it's a pleasure to be able to do it you meet many nice characters along the way and never stop learning. I spoke with some of the dealers in Alfies about this getting on nearly 2 years ago and they were apauled by it. I was in a place the other day and another dealer was gutted I got to a table before him.. we talked friendly about how I slipped and bought it without knowing he was interested and he told me he thought he had the perfect chairs for it...I said to him that there are plenty of tables..(and quite honestly I have had them, before and have a couple in stock anyway) so I said heres the reciept I paid 80 for it you can have it for that..he was well happy and then I gave him a lift with it home in my van as it would'nt dismantel. He was so happy with this simple gesture and now we are trading stuff together and it works nice.. I have many encounters like this and have made many friends along the way. Sadly jealousy fueled with a hatred for those who have, as she puts it... "copied her style" have led me to sound off here. I can't believe that she stands on a market at Kempton selling stuff she dare not sell on e bay or her website. I wish I had kept the abusive mails she has sent me...maybe I still have them. Anyways send my love to Emilia downstairs!

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06/09/2009 2:15 am  

I am afraid the good old days...
I am afraid the good old days of buying a bit and selling it on for a quick profit are long gone, I have had hundreds of great experiences selling to and working along side other dealers as lets face we stll cant believe we can make a living from something that is so much fun. I have travelled all around europe and all over the Uk but I have never met dealers with such a chip on there shoulders.

They are NO ANGELS!
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06/09/2009 2:25 am  

It's nearly over for me.
From her own mouth she said she hates what she does and is only doing it to make a living.. Difference with me is I love what I do and have worked hard to make a living out of it for my family. It's stopped for me now as with their dirty tricks and have managed amazingley to really disrupt my trade on e bay. I have not retaliated nor replied to the vicious mails as quite honestly I am just to busy. This week all my items have been pulled and I have the time to open the can about them here.

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06/09/2009 3:52 am  

That is REALLY terrible. For some Ebay is their only route to customers and without ebay their business is crippled. I can't believe they have put you in this position. I too only buy, sell (and firstly collect) mid century furniture because I LOVE the stuff and get so much please from the pieces I deal in. I gave up a great job in Marketing to do this - earn a fraction of what I did but my quality of life is great - plenty of time for the dog, elderly relatives etc. To think that xxx would take this away from someone is just a disgrace. I am SMALL FRY compared to them with a fraction of their experience/knowledge etc so how they can find me a threat is beyond me. I think the one thing I perhaps seem to have mastered better than them is common courtesy and honesty. So pleased to have found this forum - makes me feel less singled-out...
edited by Design Addict - no names please

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06/09/2009 3:07 pm  

I know
I am exactly the same. Problem with me for them is that I was crossing them on the buying side..showing up at the same places etc etc. I spoke with her because she mailed me in a friendly way about fire regs and most of the conversation was about me being competition to her!! And how everyone was copying her business! It was a crazy conversation. They had to find a way to rescue their business, so they started doing some really horrible recovering of classic items like egg chairs etc with mix and match fabrics..was horrendous and the items sold for nothing. Then she started blurbing about others on e bay killing their customers by selling original examples, and I think after that there was no turning back for her. Since then everyone I know in this trade has come accross her abuse in some way. She hates other dealers and is now kissing all her own sentences xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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06/09/2009 3:16 pm  

I despise these sort of...
I despise these sort of dealers and sooner or later it bites them in their arse!
I gave up on dealers years ago as i tarred them all with the same brush but as i grow older i've come around and am more trusting with a healthy sense of cynicism
As i live far away and am governed by different rules and regulations and have a very healthy Ebay account(s) i'd love to stick my hand up if you need any help
I love payback!

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06/09/2009 3:47 pm  

Is someone going to invite them to the room! Lets see what they have to say! Bring it on!

They are NO ANGELS!
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06/09/2009 3:54 pm  

I have sent them an invitation!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come in...Take your Birkenstocks off!

They are NO ANGELS!
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06/09/2009 4:23 pm  

Come J and J to your "Room of Doom"
Come on Share your bickering E mails with the world...Come on here and spread the word..confess your sins! Tell us if that De Sede Sofa ending tonight conforms! Come Come

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06/09/2009 9:39 pm  

Caused me misery too.
Many times they have caused me misery too. I am so pleased that people are coming together. I want to declare my support! I have arranged for friends from all over the world to mess up their auctions like they have in the past mine.

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08/09/2009 12:30 am  

if ANYONE should have a chip
it should be me.
Blew £150000 and fought tooth and nail for 7 years with Trading standards yet did not give up. (close a few times)
Percevered and found new ways through law and case law to fight back and have since just wanted to be left to earn back what I lost.
had the pleasure of calling the Trading standards inspector an "incompetent wanker" to his face after he suspended several items which had previously been suspended - re-upholstered - approved by trading standards and released for the same tosser only to re-suspend them. when challenged as to why and that he knew fine well the items were "safe" his reply was "so" and mine Incompetent wanker see you in court.
The local magistrates did not know what to do at first as they had NEVER had an appeal to a trading standards suspension notice. They do now!!

They are NO ANGELS!
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10/09/2009 11:12 pm  

Good for you..I am having trouble with them directly taking my items off e bay now! E Bay say there is nothing they can do. 20 items last week!

Robert Leach
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11/09/2009 12:25 am  

eBay can remove you listings, nobody else can do it directly. But unfortunately they rely on the public to 'police' the site for them.
What reasons are eBay citing in their emails when the listings are closed ?

They are NO ANGELS!
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12/09/2009 2:01 pm  

E Bay pulling them via Trading Standards
It says that they violate Trading Standards Laws. Hazourdous Items. Leather Metal Desks Wooden Sideboards. Crazy!


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