Design Addict


first dibs rip off ...

first dibs rip off of the month  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
06/07/2007 1:42 am  

We have a new month and now The biggest rip off on first dibs
that goes to this Valimir Kagan Burl wood table Sold by Capitol furnishings in
NYC give them a call and tell them how much you love it for full price 212 925 6760
I sold this coffee table a year ago for 350.00 and here i kick my self that i did not buy gooogle or ebay on the IPO at this rate 1st dibs would be better this is not a joke this is what they are selling it for .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
06/07/2007 1:44 am  

so sorry for got to give...
so sorry for got to give you the modest price of $12,500 .
How many would you like? and yes we have free shipping to Dubai

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
06/07/2007 1:48 am  

In fairness 350 is too cheap...
In fairness 350 is too cheap and 12000 is too expensive.Thats a good looking piece and Id pay 350 any day for that and feel like I picked up a real bargain.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
06/07/2007 3:03 am  

kagan piece bought in 1979
i had bought the coffee table piece in 1979 brand new. I enjoyed it in my office for over 25 years . The glue on one of the Lucite legs had dried up and the leg needed to be re glued (about 10.00 job.) but I had no idea that it was made by Kagan . i always thought that it was milo Baughman and i don't think it would have made that much of a difference for me . I did buy it in 1979 for 650.00 so at the time I thought i was doing o.k. to sell it for 350.00 26 years later since it was in one of our warehouses with lots of old stuff. i sold it to a vintage modern store, for a modest amount but seeing it jacked up to $12,500 is JUST PLAIN STUPID!!!! I BUY EAMES,SARRINE,NELSON,JACOBSEN,PANTON furniture all the time. I like the original pieces from the original manufactures no repos in this collection . although i do own a few repos for my office , I have always paid a fair amount a little more than the average person would but i
know that i can recover it and am not afraid to do that so it has been good for me to acquire these great icons of furniture but to see a nice coffee table maybe 1000 tops
is just crazy , i think it would have been cool if Capital would ask a even 1 million for the table, then everyone would have no with out a doubt they are full of it,

Estimable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 95
06/07/2007 4:15 am  

there are bigger ripoffs
This prickly one was "decomissioned" by the Cardin shop on garbage day. As labor was striking that week in Paris, the strong Northerly wind did blow it all the way into the flea and, oila, just like that, the thing got photographed! Just 12,000, give or take.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
06/07/2007 4:35 am  

room606 found a winner
would you just love to meet the lovely couple that bought that prickly piece of metal........ and at the first cocktail party that they will be giving the following week all any one heard was these are the two dumbest people in the world that bought this piece of junk for 12 grand... and o yes it is from the Pierre Cardin shop from the 1970's ....
I had the Mona Lisa in my Bathroom since the 40's give me a break 1st dibs ..

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1966
06/07/2007 10:52 am  

LRF what kind of business...
LRF what kind of business are you in?I really get a conflicted picture of you...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
06/07/2007 9:08 pm  

I hate to talk about me, not my favorite subject. Our main family business is the Oil and Gas business here in America . I have invested in all kinds of business over the last 30 years and still own them including shopping centers, and real Estate . I own a company called Retro Redo that restores all vintage modern furniture, I also own interest in Several modern stores.
My wife is a designer of fabulous Jewelry, and knitwear sold at the finest stores.
So I guess I am multi faceted investor but my focus is on modernism and mid century modern furniture .

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3212
13/11/2007 4:29 pm  

Rip Off Of The Month #2
I regularly sell these for about £200 - $400us in teak
(and approx twice that in rosewood)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
13/11/2007 5:25 pm  

Golly, getting sick of people grousing about 1st Dibs
Yes, most of the stuff is overpriced, but at least they show the damn price up front (as long as you sign-in).
Many of the DA's sponsors play the P.O.A. game, not providing up front pricing.
1st Dibs are not only the MCM source to be overpriced. Ever check out Rewire?
But, geez, they DO get amazing stuff and it's a useful tool to see what some dealers consider to be on the higher side of pricing. (check out Tri-State's prices...very high too....)
You can also bet that most of the stuff being offered is in tip-top condition, and at least they DO provide a clear picture of the items.
One of my grips about eBay live auctions, in comparison, is that although they show a picture and give a price range, they almost never provide much of a description and almost never mention condition. THAT you have to contact them about.
Also, I believe that all of the 1st Dibs dealers will work with the seller to arrange shipping. The eBay Live Auctioners basically want their money immediately and you have to make all arrangements for shipment....just like a real live auction room. (Which is why I don't do live auctions....)
If you're located out in the boondocks, like me, you need resources like 1st Dibs to see what's out there.
It's one of my resources and I'm getting a bit sick and tired of the cheapskates complaining about them. Who on this forum has actually bought anything from 1st Dibs and had a terrible experience?
One last's the DEALER who bought this man's Kagan piece and jacked up the price. NOT 1st Dibs.
So...take a Valuum and get chill, huh?

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3212
13/11/2007 5:54 pm  

Personally, I think someone selling a $400 sideboard for $3,800 is worth pointing out .. and if this makes me a 'cheapskate', then I'm proud to be one...
If you dislike people criticising 'your' resource, why open the thread?
The title makes it quite clear what it's about.
Here is the very best identical sideboard I could find

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
13/11/2007 6:43 pm  

You missed my point
Robert1960; if your reply was to me, then I think you missed my point totally.
I have never bought from 1st Dibs.
I doubt I ever will.
1st Dibs does not sell anything, anyhow.
They represent individual sellers.
I use 1st Dibs to see the upper end of the market.
At least once you sign-in, they usually give you prices.
Which is a hellava lot more than many of the "supposidly" honest and fair priced sponsors on this forum does.
I'd rather see a high price than see "P.O.A."
Whether you like it or not, prices are going up all of the time, and even though I have not paid alot for any of my stuff, it's good to keep up on what's happening.
Now...what part of this reply could you possibily disagree with?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
15/11/2007 2:02 am  

as you know I buy things al...
as you know I buy things all the time, as MCM becomes more and more popular the price just keeps going up and up, We all have been exposed to the good merchandise for a long while and I know it pisses us off when we see something that could/should be bought for 75 percent of what they are selling it for and then do it with out a smile,
we have been over this before and this folks have heat, light and power and Rent to pay for , but by G-D give us the dumb ones a break
we are the ones who pay for the stuff, If they want to look at it for a long while let them mark the crap up to the sky , if they want a make good profit they should sell it at decent price and move on,
No one can control first dibs but you!! and if you do not support the rip they will get the message,

New Member
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Posts: 2
16/11/2007 6:41 am  

do not support
i agree. do not support this website anymore. it is perpetuating and feeding 1stdibs founder and presidents ego and greed. go to the other e-site with the dealers who are not playing this game you speak of. there is decent stuff, excellent stuff, great stuff, unique stuff, etc... by only viewing and continuing to support 1stdibs you support the dumbing down of american culture and it is already way to stupid to save itself. he panders to the shopping mall culture mentality and corporate chain store blueprint. this is what i see as developer's mentality, hence ego, greed, mo' money.making it all but possible for others to thrive in this vast muck of selfishness.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
16/11/2007 5:09 pm  

Perhaps I don't understand....
You are all raving about 1st Dibs as if the owner sets all of the prices.
I am under the impression that these items are for sale from individual dealers within the 1st Dibs network. If that's true, then is it still possible that the owner of 1st Dibs is demanding each and every dealer to set a price to the owner's personal dictates?
If you'all survey the Design Addict sponsors on the right, you'll find plenty of MCM dealers selling similar items for similar ridiculous prices.
I'm not defending 1st Dibs, but, as stated previously, I find them a useful if I had all of Wright's auction booklets with the amoount that each item sold for in open auction.
Why not use it as a resource? Are you all so offended by the pricing that you'd rather not?

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