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disassembling and d...

disassembling and dimensions of Eames Storage Unit 4x2?  


Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 20
25/11/2014 3:13 pm  

Dear All,I am planning to purchase an Eames Storage Unit (ESU) 4 units high x 2 units wide. Unfortunately the ESU will be delivered fully assembled. Once I have received it I want to ship it to another place. Therefor I need to disassemble it. Reason: flat-packed the ESU will have less volume which will save me shipping costs and which will reduce the risk of damaging. First question: is it easy to disassemble a new (recent) manufactured HermanMiller ESU 4x2? Anyone experience with this?Second question. On the HM website I found the total dimensions of the ESU. However, I want to estimate what shipping costs will be of a disassembled ESU 4x2. Therefor I need the following information: 1) the dimensions of the five back panels, 2) the dimensions of the seven side panels, 3) the number and dimensions of the different zinc frames, 4) the dimensions of the three drawers, 5) the number, dimensions and thickness of all the different shelves, 6) the dimensions of the four dimple doors, 7) the dimensions of the perforated panel and 8) the dimensions of the x-panel, 9) the dimensions of the "middle" panels?Hope someone can provide me these infos. I would appreciate that a lot. Thanks in advance!!
<img class="wpforo-default-

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 20
26/11/2014 11:38 am  

I notice many views to my thread, but unfortunately no comments and replies yet..
Is there someone out there who has experience with disassembling an Eames Storage Unit? Is it difficult? Is it - so to speak - as simple as constructing an IKEA piece of furniture?


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