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define vintage?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
30/07/2007 12:53 pm  

My folks are in the vintage car world and apparantly its fairly clearly defined there whats vintage and whats not.

Whats the understanding with furniture and objects? Is my new 1971 shaver over the hurdle?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
30/07/2007 3:21 pm  

I guess 20 years plus for...
I guess 20 years plus for furniture terms anything from the mid 80s back.
In motoring you have vintage and classic,both are well defined and one takes up where the other leaves off.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
30/07/2007 3:32 pm  

Thats rougly what I think,...
Thats rougly what I think, though I'd stretch it out to 25 years +, 1987 wasn't that long ago though Rams was still at Braun so things can't have been entirely bad, if anyone has a look at a timeline of objects its very apparant when he left because everything just got fugly overnight.
I have a new obsession, I own all these except one and I hate shaving 🙂 Third one down makes me want to watch Gattaca in my Brno chair with a double scotch to my left.
Anyone got favourite films for the design content, Gattacas is a bit obvious but I do remember some sci fi stuff with Eames in there and there was a great Walter Mathau film that I think was filmed in Italy, lovely stuff, name escapes me.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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30/07/2007 4:11 pm  

Try "Metropolis" as a...
Try "Metropolis" as a film,its a silent film with a vision of the future,great film with amazing deco sets.

peter osullivan
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30/07/2007 4:24 pm  

2001 has been on TCM every night this week, great looking film, found a couple of paragraphs on some of the furniture

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
30/07/2007 4:26 pm  

I saw Metropolis years ago, amazing!
I've seen bits of the original Solaris (Tarkovsky) and it looks amazing, impossible to get of course and the remake was awful. Youtube has some Tarkovsky samples.
Its funny how visions of the future just seem to distill the present, I'm a big sci fi nut so could go on for hours, the set design for Dune (Lynch) was pretty good and avoided the white leisuresuit future syndrome and whoever did Trek TNG's interiors should be shot and the interior of the new Dr Whos' Tardis isn't up to much either. Though there was a Lynch or Cronenburg film where everyone did wear white leisure suits and looked pretty good, "L-267" something like that.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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30/07/2007 4:30 pm  

yeah! Ive allways wanted a...
yeah! Ive allways wanted a monolith 1:4:9 drinks cabinet that bolts to the floor and is lined with mirror glass with one of those magnetic push open doors without a handle.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
30/07/2007 5:39 pm  

you have to PAY to scratch...
you have to PAY to scratch the surface of that 2001 site and I take it there is no naked astronaut action so I can't really see the attraction.

peter osullivan
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30/07/2007 7:17 pm  

A monolith drinks cabinet I...
A monolith drinks cabinet I like the sound of that!
Found this site the other week, nicely put together

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
31/07/2007 9:42 am  

I will get around to making ...
I will get around to making one sometime, it would just be a very carefully sprayed black plywood box (100 x 400 x 900 0r 200 x 800 x 1800 can't mess with the magic propertions) , even mdf would do I suppose though of course black glass would be best. Was there a scene in the film where the monolith was horizontal? At the moon base I think.
I just got this for $2.00 ! Its disappointing though that they aren't as valuable as the later Valentine model.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
31/07/2007 10:29 am  

Vintage to me is...
whatever isn't made anymore that I still want. 🙂


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