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The biggest scam ...

The biggest scam of them all  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
27/06/2007 9:42 am  

for all tht like really fine vintage furniture on ebay there is a scam that has been going on for over a year
You will see a bidder with 0 feedback have a wonderful perfect Eames Lounge chair or a Jacobsen Egg chair in mint condition . they will put it up for bid but hope that some one will send them a request to "buy it now " enclose is a actual return letter that I have enclosed In a message dated 6/20/2007 7:02:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

would you have a buy it now price ?


My Arne Jacobsen Egg Chair is not on ebay anymore but is still available for sale. My usual schedule was modified because I have to take care of some business, so I had to go to Spain and that's why I have closed the auction.
My final price for the chair is $2,200.00 including all the shipping costs and insurance.
I must add that you'll have the opportunity to inspect the item before you actually pay for it.
I will wait for your email to let me know if you are interested in knowing more details about the purchase.
Thanks and sorry for delay

This sounds simple enough but it is not .... it is a scam they have created companies that YOU mail your
check to ( cause they will not take pay pal ) They cash your check and tell you, you can inspect the furniture , sadly the furniture does not exsist it is just a good quality picture stolen from another
auction that ended several weeks or months ago. They always say they had to end the auction early and have to go to either England or Spain, or Greece but all you need to do is use this forwarding company
If you are a buyer of this type of furniture please be careful ... I know a really smart person that got scammed and ebay has no control since they did not use paypal and it was off ebay.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 472
27/06/2007 11:48 am  

All kinds..
The "Email me and buy it now" scam on Ebay goes way further than just the furniture. I've seen the scam of many electronics, sporting goods(bicycles mostly), tools, and more. Why the heck doesn't ebay get these off faster. I think the ones that do have feedback are hacked and stolen user names.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
27/06/2007 1:42 pm  

I nearly bought a jukebox thi...
I nearly bought a jukebox this way,but due to the lack of feedback I decided to do some digging and came to the conclusion it was a scam.I mailed Ebay,they said thanks for the help oh and by the way you wont be hearing from us reardless of whether its a scam or not.The page existed on the Ebay for about a week after I reported it with the buy it now feature.Im not sure whether thats a good or bad thing though.

Prominent Member
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Posts: 179
27/06/2007 6:15 pm  

the easiest way to find out if the item in question is actually in their hands is to ask for a photo including the day's newspaper..
if they cannot or will not.. give it up..

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 439
27/06/2007 8:59 pm  

I was just offered a...
I was just offered a beautiful Alexander Girard chair today, with exactly the same message as your example...
They offered to use an Escrow company, which is supposed to be a safer way to pay for an item (it really is, -as long as it's and legit escrow company...).

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
27/06/2007 9:06 pm  

modernis better and alexander
the newspaper is just like the movie
proof of life with Meg Ryan, Russell Crowe, but it would be proof of purchase . Alexander i really never knew if those forwarding companies really exsist or work and how would you find if they are legit, . I like pay paypal cause they seem to stand by if someone sends or takes money using pay pal, ( i wonder
how this scam started)


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