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The best stove?  


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14/11/2006 4:43 am  

I am re-doing my kitchen and want to know which stove you think is the best looking and the most functional?

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
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15/11/2006 12:01 am  

a suggestion or two
I don't have a particular model in mind, but having cooked for years and having had a bunch of different stoves, I have pretty strong opinions about them.
First, I prefer gas over electric because you can change the temperature instantly.
I also will only get black grilles from now on. The gray ones look great until you actually use the stove, then they get stuff burned on them that is a whole lot of work to remove. That is not so great looking.
I will never get a white stove top again, either. See above. It's black or stainless (though I'm not sure that is much better than white so I will ask around before I buy another stove).
Knobs should be in front to avoid burns and sleeves catching fire.
Grilles should be continuous in pairs, at least, so that you can slide a heavy pot from one to the next.
There should not be any seams or fasteners on the stove top where food can collect and congeal and get all gross before you notice it and then it's really hard to clean off.
Glass cooktops are popular but they don't work too well with pots and pans that don't have perfectly flat bottoms. Pots & pans can warp if cooled too quickly.
I've seen one or two stoves and/or cooktops that fit the bill for me, just haven't bothered to note the makers yet as it'll be awhile before we redo our kitchen. But I know they're out there!
I also would prefer a cooktop and two wall ovens. Ovens are easier to use when they don't involve bending or kneeling. Also--convection is a must for me.

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28/11/2006 9:13 am  



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