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before/after and di...

before/after and dining chair ID Ulferts?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2044
04/02/2013 8:21 pm  

I thought I'd combine three favorite DA post types into one thread: vintage find, before/after shots, and ID request/confirmation.
I picked up a chair marked "Danish Style Chair" at a vintage market a few weeks ago. The finish and upholstery were in poor condition, but it was structural sound, especially for how light the chair was. The main reason for buying the chair was the low cost and the chance to see how well it could be cleaned up.
With no markings on the chair, it took quite a number of google searches along the lines of "danish dining chair" to come across photos of a very similar (although not identical) chair designed by Tage Olofsson for Ulferts, a Swedish manufacturer in Tibro.
The similarities are: 1) same frame member alignment, 2) same frame member profiles, 3) the subtle curve of the seat frame between the back of seat and the rear legs, and 4) size/shape/location of the seat.
The differences are: 1) slightly different shape to the back rest, 2) only one round connection between back rest and frame vertical for mine (two for the one found online), and 3) connection type between seat and frame. Mine has two aluminum angle clips with flat head screws. Online photos show two screws per side going through holes drilled vertically in the seat frame.
Additional info includes: 1) old upholstery was faux white alligator naugahyde covering cotton batting, covering an older green wool fabric, covering disintegrated yellow foam. 2) Wood appears to be mostly oak with face teak-laminated backrest, similar to many Danish constructions of the era.
The before/after shots show many of these details, with the last two being images of Ulferts chairs found online.
Anyone with Ulferts or Tage Olofsson experience out there that can confirm/refute my ID? Thanks.
<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2044
04/02/2013 8:21 pm  

photos 7-9

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2044
04/02/2013 8:21 pm  

photos 4-6

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
04/02/2013 8:34 pm  

That is some seriously filthy wood! I am eating lunch right now and nearly lost my appetite!
Nice job!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2044
04/02/2013 8:43 pm  

Yeah, that backrest probably...
Yeah, that backrest probably had the most amount of grime I've ever taken off of something. Took a little more 0000, Restore-a-Finish, and elbow grease than usual.


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