Design Addict


attack of the misma...

attack of the mismatched base  

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Active Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 14
28/10/2010 9:19 am  

Modernesia - Mint Rope Edge Eames a Plenty
This ebay seller is a major scammer. He buys his parts under the name Malihini and switches bases around and restores shells, then sells under Modernesia. It looks like he even makes fake labels from time to time. After all the switch a roos and shenanigans he claims everything is 100% original. He's also pulled this same sort of activity with at least one Nelson clocks and now it looks like he's moving into the lamp business.
The sad thing is that it looks like a successful business model.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
28/10/2010 9:39 am  

Indeed, asawa...
Apparently bidders don't understand just how rare these chairs are. I mean, how many mint Zenith RARs are we to expect one person to come across honestly? The frequency of these sales alone is enough to discredit them.
mrsmodern is another one...
A few weeks ago a beat up wire chair sold with the early Domes of Silence eiffel base attached. I think it was listed for no more than two hours before it was snatched up. The next week, mrsmodern listed what looked to be the same base. Only in this listing, it was holding up a *MINTY* 1st production Zenith arm shell...
The switch-a-roo stuff doesn't bother me as much when it's done with components from the same era normally. But when it's done purely for profit, it's disgusting. The most disturbing repercussion of this practice is that there's probably many more of these bogus, hodge podge chairs floating around now than there are legit examples.

Famed Member
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Posts: 319
28/10/2010 9:58 am  

I also couldn't help but...
I also couldn't help but notice how often Modernesia had these 'all original' Eames Zenith shell chairs in immaculate condition. The chairs are so shiny you can almost see your reflection.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
29/10/2010 11:30 am  

It's ridiculous, isn't it...
I've seen quite a few of the early Zenith chairs, probably more than most. Never however have I seen one with a healthy gelcoat attached. It's just not plausible. Most I've seen have fibers hanging off the shells. Fifty years does alot to pretty much anything, no matter the material.

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